
Showing posts with the label parables

Passion for Parables

Hank and Stewart can look at the same tree and see it in two different ways.   Stewart will see a tree.   You can climb it.   You can sit under its shade when there are leaves.   Hank will visualize what that tree can become – what can be built with it. Our theme this month is on “becoming more Christ like”.   My first lesson was on parables, why Jesus taught in parables, and perhaps the class could share some of their favorites and why. Hank let out a sigh.   “I HATE parables!”   he said.   “I just don’t understand them.” Stewart said he likes them.   Not only are they entertaining, but you can also learn something. Why did Jesus teach in parables?   The Pharisees had condemned him from teaching.   Threatening him with prisonment, I believe. But this is the answer he gave to his disciples: “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven . . .” – Matt 13:11  ...

“Brave” and the Liahona

         Roland and I took mom to the movies after our Saturday Thanksgiving dinner.  We chose “Brave” because it was the shortest wait.  Mom enjoyed it which in itself made it worth it.   I felt intrigued by the parallels that seemed unfold – for me anyway.           Merida is typical of many teens – many who have gone beyond teen hood but still place more faith in self than  a higher being.           Merida’s mother attempts to prepare Merida for the role of princess and what expectations are included and what the future holds – none of which fit into Merida’s own plans of “freedom” of expressing herself, of taking on adventures without the hassles of trying to please everyone by fulfilling a role that is clearly NOT the fate she would choose for herself.           The story incorpor...

Some Tarry and Some Labor

Matthew 20:1-16 gives us the parable of the laborers in the vineyard.  I had always looked at the parable as one about missionary work – about the hereafter, about those who spend their whole lives in the Church striving to do what is right and having someone who has put other’s through hell repent at the last hour.                      I have labored so many hours in the hot burning sun – and God is telling me that if Maleficent should choose to repent, that her reward will be the same as my own.  That she is entitled to all the same blessings as my own.  I’ll admit that I haven’t accepted this interpretation very graciously.  But then who am I to think of myself as better if she truly surrendered herself and did/does repent and actual develop a "compassion" if you will?            Slaving in the vineyard...