
Showing posts with the label comparing Utah and Oregon

Not Quite the Same Ratio

          Since living in Myrtle Creek, I have NOT missed the horrible traffic accidents that we encountered on a daily or weekly basis - some just fender benders, but some involved lost lives - not to mention totaled cars.   My son lived not to far from this accident and was interviewed about what he saw            We've been in Oregon for almost two years now.   I have been in one line of slow moving cars as there had been an accident in one of the intersections in Roseburg.   I can also remember an employee at Figaro's pointing to the line of cars on I5 and reporting how far ahead the accident was.   I would have never noticed the line of cars on my own.   Perhaps my eyes believe it appears more in the distance than younger eyes do.             We ran a few errands last yesterday.   After we had crossed the parking lot and had gotte...

Decisions and Trade-Offs

        Thus far I am enjoying my economic class.   It is the study of human behavior as far as decision making goes.   There are "luxuries" that we give up when we trade what we have for other things we want or need. Although we may not view them as luxuries at the time, we may miss certain situations while we are grateful not to have others.         Take our move from Salt Lake County, Utah to Douglas County, Oregon.   The major thing that drew us to Oregon was clean air quality vs. breathing deadly smog.   Myrtle Creek is certainly a lot smaller (population wise) than any city I had lived in within the Salt Lake City area.   There aren't as many roads or traffic or pollution.   The crime rate is definitely lower.   I'm not saying there isn't any crime here - it just doesn't seem as common.         Take the other night, for example.  ...

Damaged By Hard Water

        Roland was flipping through the stations one Saturday morning when all that was available was infomercials and landed on one for Nevo ( here ).   The informative non-actors told about a water filter for getting rid of hard minerals and replacing the antique water softener that ended up corroding your pipes more than did the minerals.   It was interesting to hear the details as it made perfect sense.   If we were living in West Valley still, I would definitely invest but the water seems to be more purified in Oregon.         Our fridge has a water source and filter and had to be changed every 2-3 months at the West Valley house.   Although we had used our fridge at first house we lived in upon arriving in Oregon, we had never hooked up water dispenser. I have also noticed - even without Wen (which my hair has not seen for over a year now) that my hair is softer than it ever was in ...

Falling Without Landing

Gideons’ International is an evangelical Christian association founded 1899 in Janesville, Wisconsin. The   Gideons ' primary activity is distributing copies of the   Bible   free of charge.   I remember when Gideons had come to my school to pass out palm-sized copies of the New Testament plus Psalms and Proverbs when I was in junior high. Mine was red.   I thought it was great to take with me when I went to camp or in the car.   My small book had taking a beating through the years, but I actually still had it in my possession until just before the move to Oregon.   I don’t know why I didn’t bring it.   My eyes can no longer view the small print, but I would have thought I could have let Jenna use it. I know some states or schools have had a problem with mixing of school and religion – though I don’t think passing out free scriptures is a crime, some lawsuits were brought against schools for allowing Bibles to ...