
Showing posts with the label weeding

Division Street is Closed

My water aerobics classes had started when I was still out of town. I've gone everyday this week except today. Each member of the class including the instructor faced a new challenge yesterday. Division is getting a makeover. I don't know that it had even been worth it.   The air was cold before we got in.   The wind against our wet bodies made it feel even colder. I guess I still had time to go if I had not continued with this post, and if the road is finished, but only if I didn't have to wait for the construction workers to direct me. I was reminded of this commercial When I approached the elderly lady dressed from head to foot in fire engine yellow - almost like the government descending on Elliot's family in the movie E.T. It's a long way around and will be late for certain should I choose to go that way. Probably...