
Showing posts with the label spook alley

Halloween Thus Far

               I had to make a few trips downtown yesterday.   The first was to mail a package to Roland’s mother.   Saturdays provide a two hour window between 11:00 and 1:00.   I’ve been told Myrtle Creek’s is the only post office in the county that is open on Saturdays.           Jenna and her friend had wanted to go trick-0r-treating, but the event didn’t start until 2:00. It was crowded.   Each year the city has offered trick-or-treating to the businesses downtown – though they had changed things up last year and “spaced” apart those handing out candy in the park and kept things in the park and not the entire 8 streets that make up the downtown area.   It continued to just the park this year.   Jaime wore her homemade costume “Sam” from Trick or Treat and her friend had gone as “Red Riding Wolf”.   They spent their last day of school (Thursday the 28 th ) ...