
Showing posts with the label family relations

A sense of grief

                  I have twelve cousins – eight on my dad ’ s side and four on my mom ’ s.  My parents are each the eldest in their families.  Dad has a brother two years younger and baby sister (they are about twelve years apart).  My mom has two brothers.  All of my dad ’ s family lived in the Salt Lake area except for the few years that my Uncle and Aunt lived in Denver for a couple of years – that could be a different post and was several decades in the past.          My mom ’ s family lived in different parts of northern California.   My mom ’ s first brother and his wife had three children – a boy and two girls.   The youngest brother and his wife had adopted a boy.   We had visited our cousins on occasion but didn ’ t know much about them beyond their names. And even with that one I am not certain of his given name.   I had thought it was Joshua and th...