
Showing posts with the label Google Meet

How Great the Passion

Last night I booked a tour to tour Winter Quarters this morning.  It wasn ’ t anything like what I had imagined.  Oh, but Elder Anderson shared his testimony through his passion of explaining historic moments through paintings and artifacts.  I think he was a little frustrated that I was not as live as he.  My laptop rarely gets turned on anymore, because it is always such an ordeal as though I am using AOL dialup (that is a reference to old school internet) and overall prefer my PC which does not include camera or microphone and so I have to use the chat box.  Of course my fingers don ’ t fly as quickly as my tongue. I ’ d been introduced to Zoom almost four years ago when I started taking classes online. But I have never used Google Meet until this morning and didn ’ t know where the chat was located.  As I was searching, I inadvertently chose the closed caption and it played as I took screenshots of various pics – none which I might choose to keep if ...