
Showing posts with the label management class

Making Profit With Real Estate: Property Management

           This is a continuation of a post I had started yesterday.   I did not use a numbering system in the assignment I turned but wondered if it might be easier to read.   Meanwhile, it has gotten more lengthy. Property Management             I would rather "flip" properties than to use them as rentals.   Roland thought the ideal rental would be commercial property - renting out space to doctors, specifically or manage on office building.   That is something we have never done, but we did have two rental properties for family living.   There are different ways to be in property management.   1.        Sometimes Roland would (and still does) look at commercial properties that he could use to rent out office space or floor space.   We had actually looked at a squirrely layout in Sandy - there were 9 different rooms I think a...

Making Profit With Real Estate: Resell and Flipping

          Last week I created a post about writing my assignment in first person wondering if I might get discredited for doing so.   Also, I thought it rather challenging to come up with 750+ words (I think I ended up with 753) Not only did I receive full credit but a comment from my instructor said that he had been entertained.   That was a bonus as it had not been my intent to entertain.   Perhaps I'll touch more upon it following the comments for this week's assignment which may take more than one post as I have several examples and well over 750 words.   I had actually started out with eight different examples, but felt it best to revise my assignment in order to keep it to less than 1,000 words.             So here is a rough outline accompanied by mostly personal examples - though I did start out by mentioning the A&E's former television series called "Se...


The assignment for last week in my management class was on the Associations with Decision Making Process.   Our topic: Panera Bread.   I did some research and was able to put my thoughts together by Wednesday afternoon.   It is the earliest I have ever turned in an assignment for that class.   It was graded right away and I had received full credit.   Nice. This week we don't have a written assignment.   Our discussion post is on Strategic Planning: Mission, Vision, and Goal Statements.   It needs to be 250 words and of course references.   The topic: the public library.   Are you kidding me?   That just happens to be where my passion lies right now.   Words and thoughts poured out of me. Initially, there were over 600 words.   I kept cutting it down.   This morning my post looked something like this (grey words were not posted to my discussion but kept for this blog)        ...


It has been a major struggle for me to post discussions or write the assignments for my management class.   As I've already mentioned, I lack the passion, and yet I feel there is strength in what I'm learning if I but apply. I've noticed that I've made some huge grammatical errors to past posts . . . I'm not even going to try to correct them - at least not right now.  My apologies to those of you who have struggled through.  Hey, but thanks for being interested enough to continue. We (students in any class of an online university) don't have verbal discussions in our classes as we don't all live in the same state or time zone . . . we have written discussion.   All my other credited classes required at least 150 words for our initial post and 50-75 words in comments made to other students.   This class requires more than 150 words - and references - and they have to be cited.   I actually lost points that first week because I hadn't cited.   ...

Like a Fish out of Water . . . so Far out of My Realm

          I remember taking a communications class in college.   I think it was an elective.   It turned out that there were only seven or eight students, the instructor and me.   We all sat around one table to have discussions.   We were told that we didn't have to purchase a book, but each of us would teach a lesson.           I was the only student in the class who was not a communication major.   For the most part, they seemed to be talking in languages that I, myself, did not understand. The week before I was assigned to give the lesson, I wrote down the topic name and went to the library to do some research.           I'd be lying if I didn't say that I had bluffed my way through the assignment.     I had used an example that somehow got out of hand.   The subject I had picked at random was...