
Showing posts with the label Shakespeare

Downtown Ashland: Funky Fresh

             It appears that I did not post last week on the 23 rd.  I did have 8 drafts to post.  I was distracted with other things.  Richard and I had left the house on Saturday morning.    It had been raining off and on.    Mostly on. Jaime had wanted us to take a walk with her downtown Ashland, but it was too wet and cold and Richard wasn ’ t willing to leave the car.          We brought  Jaime home for weekend and I became more interested in meeting her needs than posting to my blog.  She spent the night at a friend's house and we got up early Sunday to retrieve her. Spending time with her and the family was pretty nice.  We played several games while she was here.  It was so great having her here – short as it was.    We were able to park downtown before dropping her off at the dorms on Sunday evening.   Jaime excitedly took us on a tour pointing ou...

What Happened To Me?

            It’s been nearly a week since my last post – and although I have several posts inside of me they just haven’t seemed to come out yet. Today is Nation Talk Like a Pirate Day.   I had never heard of it before.     I doubt I’ll be talking like a pirate – perhaps when I talk to Jai.   She always seems interested in stuff like that.   We have a running joke that I’m not certain how it started.   I think she may have been going for an English accent which came out more like a pirate voice when she introduced herself as William J. Shakespeare.   Now we use it as a clue when we are partners playing Taboo or Catch Phrase or something like that. Some people don’t like when we are on a team together because they think we have our own made-up language.   I guess we kind of do.