Downtown Ashland: Funky Fresh

           It appears that I did not post last week on the 23rd. I did have 8 drafts to post.  I was distracted with other things. Richard and I had left the house on Saturday morning.  It had been raining off and on.  Mostly on. Jaime had wanted us to take a walk with her downtown Ashland, but it was too wet and cold and Richard wasnt willing to leave the car.

        We brought Jaime home for weekend and I became more interested in meeting her needs than posting to my blog.  She spent the night at a friend's house and we got up early Sunday to retrieve her. Spending time with her and the family was pretty nice.  We played several games while she was here.  It was so great having her here short as it was.

  We were able to park downtown before dropping her off at the dorms on Sunday evening.  Jaime excitedly took us on a tour pointing out her favorite haunts.

The bubbled Lithia water (here) seems inviting appearing like Perrier water which some people consider prime


even the thought of it make my face sour.  Do NOT appreciate Perrier though I would pick it over Lithia water.  It has a taste similar to Alka-Seltzer mixed with rust. Jaime will gag just bending over and taking a whiff. 

There is a fountain of real water to ease the nasty taste of those gutsy (or stupid) enough to experience the Lithia water.  But it is fun to watch.

 We walked down the opposite side that Jaime is used to walking and so had not seen coin press.  I think Richard spotted it first and caused great excitement.  She purchased them all.

Jaime told us the names of some of the characters in this Shakespearean themed sculpture


I had fun spending time with her and enjoying her enthusiasm - as always



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