
Showing posts with the label temples

3 Days in St. George

bottom two photos found on this site:  https://churchof   We spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in St. George where Kevin and Tara have been living the last year or so. They had been living near Buffalo, New York when we saw them in 2020.  Archer had been born on Jai’s 16 th  birthday.  He was three months at the time we saw him last.  Now he is almost two and has a baby brother born 2/22/22 which was on a TWOsday. Richard made breakfast each day we were there.   The first day he made french toast with bacon and eggs and Kevin made tater tots. I did some laundry on our first day there.   Jai had hoped to go to Arctic Circle sometime during our travel as she has fond memories of having gone while living in Utah.   We went to one in St. George.   I don ’ t think anyone was impressed with the food.   Afterward we went to the Alumni Creamery – a chapter of BYU creamery. ...

There ARE MANY Perks to Eloping

A few of my posts have included dreams that I’ve had. Each of those posts concludes with how I don’t put much faith in dreams.   But there is one dream that I definitely interpreted to be quite meaningful.   I made a life changing decision as a result.                   I met Roland for the first time on December 31, 2000.   He asked me out that night.   We would go downtown to celebrate the coming of the New Year.   I missed playing games with my family – a ritual I have enjoyed about New Years.                   Roland was quite forward.   I had dismissed guys for being too forward – and none had ever been as forward as Roland had.   I didn’t understand why I felt so comfortable around him. By the end of our date we had set up a second. I don’t know if I knew then ...

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Concent and yet . . .

fund raisers seem necessary for raising money for different causes charities   one may go from door to door seeking collections usually with product that no one wants or can afford   or doesn ’ t like       parties at both ends feel emotion     the recipient fells bad that he can ’ t contribute       or feels anger towards the very idea of having walked across the room to open the door to something he may not even believe in           or resentment because he has purchased the product when he knows it could have been used more wisely                the seller (or cause promoter) either gives up because she is discouraged that no one wants to buy   or else she continues but with an attitude full of regret and resentment and ...

To Be or Not To Be Beyond the Walls

        This year the Church created a new format for teaching the youth.  Our theme for the month of February is on the Plan of Salvation.  The website and brochure give guidelines and suggestions, but it is up to the instructor of seminary, Young Men’s, Young Women’s or Sunday School to allow him or herself to be guided by the Spirit to come up with meaningful lessons that will make an impact on the youth.  It beats the same outline and manual that we shared with the adults last year (and I suppose every year prior) Last week I introduced self worth and service as part of the plan and had a tremendous amount of examples – including relating the ideas that have been shared in the video “ Man’s Search forHappiness ” (Didn't the Church put out a more updated version?) The lesson itself seemed to go okay but I also seemed to lose my train of thought rather early in the lesson. I ended quite early and asked for a closing prayer.  But as...