
Showing posts with the label m&ms

I Want Candy

               Roland has purchased several 3 pound jars of peanut m&ms over the years.   We all snack on them, but do so in moderation.   The candy will gradually go down to empty at which point we will refill with dog food and refer to the jar as “Bonnie’s m&ms”.      She is fine with our feeding her a handful of her "m&ms" while we are trying to eat our own food.    Catch is, we need to pour it from the jar onto the floor or give Bonnie her own plate.    Tastes so much better than eating it out of her bowl.    Yet she has no problem eating hearts or scrambled eggs from her bowl.              We had dropped some jelly beans on the floor which of course went into Bonnie’s mouth the second they hit the ground.   She is not the fussy dog that we had in West Valley.   She’ll eat almost anything – whether we intend it that way or not. ...