
Showing posts with the label ep

Dental Tools and Novocain

          I went to the dentist yesterday so that he could fill/replace my tooth.   I was loaded up on Novocain – I think it affected my mental state.   I remember going to another dentist many years ago.   He was my very first dentist when I lived in Midvale.   He would ask patients if they wanted gas to help them relax or the walkman and maybe something else.   I wanted it all. How the right side of my mouth felt each time I tried to eat           I don’t know why when my mouth is getting worked on, I somehow feel so relaxed in the dentist chair.   I’m really not.   I could sense my body tension as I sat in the dentist chair yesterday, but in my mind, I thought I was relaxed.   Somehow my mind detaches from my physical body when I am in the dentist chair.           They had given me sunglasses to...