The Skies Are Filled With Smoke and Helicopters

The airport is within walking distance. 

Each year we can hear the helicopters . 

Some are looking out. 

Most appear carry buckets that appear

to be half the size of the helicopter. 

Each year the chopper noise increases –

or seems to anyway.   


More than it did in 2019 when

the fires were so close and in

2017 when the entire state

was on fire.  We were surrounded

by smoke from every direction and

wouldn’t have been able to safely

evacuate as every direction had

fires burning.  Even last year. 


Smokey skies can sometimes make for

amazing sunsets.  I would rather not have

the amazing sunset and have no smoke. 

Bless the firefighters who risk their lives

to keep us safe.

Here is one that Jenna took


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