Head or Tails: Introvert or Ambivert
I have always considered myself an introvert – well maybe not always. I was evidently extroverted in my early childhood. School changed that. School was not a good experience overall. I felt excluded and found myself withdrawn from wanting to be a part of life.
Illustration by Joshua Seong. © Verywell, 2018.I remember being comfortable in the company of certain adults and grew to accept those who were decades older than me or several years younger than myself. It was a long time before I was comfortable with any peers of my own age. I never liked crowds or artificial people. I enjoy learning but not in a structured environment. I am better at learning when it isn’t a requirement.
I didn’t realize that it was possible to meet in the middle as AMBIVERT exists in the middle of introvert and extravert. I am Ambivert. Or have been at least. Lately I realize just how much of a recluse I have become during this pandemic.
don’t like to go shopping. Roland
usually makes a day of it. Four to six
hours in Roseburg. I’d rather write,
organize, read, hang with Bonnie, scrapbook or sleep. I really don’t like being around people right
now – masks or not. Don’t breathe on me. Don’t look at me. I would just assume find a sink hole and have
the earth swallow me up.
attended a few meetings with either a small amount of sisters, missionary
meetings, leadership meetings and lately the Book of Mormon class as the
missionary meeting time has been changed to Wednesdays after Book of Mormon
instead of Sundays in order for patrons to be corralled out and away from the
building. Sundays still feel empty
sitting in spaced pews with our masks on – though I have enjoyed the messages
which have been delivered.
one morning meeting with the sisters was uncomfortable just because we were so
near the freeway and I could not hear the discussion. When I turned up my hearing aid it only enhanced
the traffic sounds.
I really don’t wish to be with people anymore – or perhaps my brain is just trying to convince me so that Sundays won’t seem so dismal. I think I’m losing my ambivert traits and am becoming withdrawn again. I am not a depressed. Depression is not necessarily connected to introvertism just as seeking recognition is not necessarily a part of extrovertism. There are many times I prefer solitude. It has always been easier to be by myself than with a group of people I don’t really feel connected to. I do tend to get depressed sometimes when I am in a crowd.
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