First Day: Lockport

The first picture that I took as we made our to the locks

Behind the gate is the first lock which would  raise or lower level for each boat 

Jenna impersonating a game show model

Randy told us that the boats would line up and spend three days waiting for transfer

He said that is when the town started to build up as those transporting would have a three day wait

notice the height of the stairs.  I had to bend my knee with each step

the jackhammer crew that Randy kept on apologizing for.  They
 are working on another set of stairs so they're not so steep

newest lock is on the left opposite of the red platform

I think this was a gift shop that was closed

Jenna liked the optical illusion of being a wall goat.

Randy, Jenna and Roland

pay attention

I took this from the railing of that bridge

This is the bridge from picture prior.  Ends at the church.

This was taken from the church end of the bridge

In addition to the locks we were introduced to downtown lockport and the high school near Randy's house.  Here are some more pictures that I took (out of many)

Jenna took this closeup of the church

downtown Lockport


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