Here's Hoping

          The world is different now and will continue – I would hope for the better.  Afterall we are all going through the same thing together – but apart.  Some people are using their time wisely and even grateful for the time of solitude.  Others are going stir crazy and blaming anybody who remotely looks Asian for the pandemic.  Really?  Did history Not teach you anything?  American citizens who might have ancestors who lived in China or Japan or wherever.  American citizens who have never known life other than America but because of their skin type are sent away to “camps” for the safety of “real” Americans.  That very thought makes my blood boil.  How dare we cast blame to an entire population who had as much control over the decisions of leadership they may not even be related to.  And even if they are related, so what?  If I learned that I was related to Hitler or Atilla the Hun, their decisions would have obviously had no influence whatsoever from me.

          Just so everybody in Canada and all other parts of the world (United States included) I did NOT vote for Trump.  The guy is definitely NOT eloquent with words (see here). The guy’s an idiot – offending Canadian citizens the way he did.  The media claimed he announced that US would Not be sharing medical supplies such as facial masks with our neighboring country.  I hope the citizens of Canada realize that Trump does not represent all Americans.  I know a couple of people who admit to being Trump followers, but almost everyone I have talked to mirrors the same expression that he is the worse president that the United States has ever had.  He comes across as very childish and totally lacks compassion.

          New York has more Covid cases than any other place on earth from my understanding (again, who knows what to believe?) and are OUT of supplies.  It may be that US would like to share their supplies but don’t have supplies to share. 

          My grandson was born in upper state New York.  It doesn’t appear that there were any complications.  Mom and baby seem to be doing fine.  I think my son is bored.  He still drives to work but will be working from home online.  Lots of work and schooling online.  US internet is not near as fast as other countries.  I always wonder how long we’ll last before we freeze or before the power goes out.  When everybody finally does stay at home and there is no one out to fix whatever goes wrong.

          We had picked out new flooring for the bathrooms.  Roland was worried about having toilets uninstalled at not reinstalled.  We cancelled due to cornavirus.  I’m grateful for the things that we do have.  New flooring would be nice but so unnecessary at this time.


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