Stay Home Order

Jenna has a friend who is somewhat of a rebel.  She likes to push people’s buttons just to see how far she can go.  Or perhaps not.  That’s just how I perceive her.  She’s not a trouble maker, really.  Just likes to bend or perhaps even break the rules that shouldn’t apply to her.

On Thursday she wants to have a party for another friend who is moving out of state and across the nation.  Jenna doesn’t know if she will ever see her friend again and would like to go show her support.  Jenna’s a hugger.  She will not even try to keep social distancing.  I tried to relate our circumstances today to the scriptures we read this morning and the thoughts of her seminary instructor,

 Think about what happens when people don't heed warnings and guidance sent to help them. Think about what guidance and instruction you have received in your life

I related this to the instructions which we have been given to STAY HOME.  She was in tears as I compared various situations to today’s circumstances. 

A member of my ward posted this picture to our ward page on March 26

He had written these words just above the picture: “Sometimes it's the simple things that are answers to prayers....

Since that posting I have often thought that looking at the staff would have been more simple than staying home and not have physical contact with any of those I consider family and friends.  Virtual contact definitely has its place but definitely does not make up for hugs or handshakes.  The need to do for others and staying home seem to conflict although there are some things that can be and are done by those who stay home.  Making masks for example: 

Isn't it awesome that God has given us revelation and promptings?  I think about the last meeting held in my home ward.  Four sisters were called and set apart as the humanitarian committee.  How unexpected for them to fulfill their callings in this manner.  
My eldest granddaughter and a nephew were confirmed in their homewards for the last time we met before it was revealed to not hold meetings until further notice.  Further notice has not yet taken place.

My electronics seem to flipping out on me lately and I could not get into my virtual meeting.  Not in the best mood and sweet Jenna suggested we say a prayer.  I think I heard the most part of the meeting by phone but lost connection after a few of the members seemed to get off topic.  More frustration.

Closing thought I will leave this picture.  Be sure to read all of the titles.

All credits to artist: Mr. Phil Shaw !!!

Originally posted by Regina Kelly with the comment: two smart and saucy librarians posted this...



  1. saw the last picture on facebook again with a different source: All credits to artist: Mr. Phil Shaw !!!


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