Strange Night

          It’s rare that Roland will go to bed before I do.  It was quite the opposite when we first married, but for some reason he feels impelled to stay up and watch TV even though we have the capability of recording his programs.

Sometimes I will hear him come in, but not always.  I am usually fast asleep before 10:00 although last night I was in bed playing on the kindle that Caroline had given me.  After he got in bed, I set the kindle aside.  I don’t even know what time it was.

Earlier this morning Roland had evidently hit the remote button which caused his legs to rise in the air.  He doesn’t like that setting, but could not find the remote to undo it.  So we get up.  1:30 a.m.  Before he found it, I offered to trade him sides as I knew where the remote for my side of the bed was. But he eventually found it.
          Amazingly he was hot and asked if I could turn down the heat (or off as I don’t believe it had come on) and by that time I knew I would not be going back to sleep.  I grabbed the kindle and played on it for about an hour and a half and then returned to bed. 

          Just after I had settled myself in, I heard Jenna get up.  3:00 a.m.  That’s her usual wake-up time.  She’s not like most teenagers.  If the girl sleep past 6:00, she is sleeping in.  She has ALWAYS been an early riser!

          Roland has programmed Jenna’s Echo to go off at 5:15 and will say, “Alexa, Stop” each morning and she does.  Only this morning he had to say it twice.  I tried to ignore the sounds and remain asleep.  I think I slept for another 30 minutes before I got up.

          Will be reading today.  The second book of the “Land of Stories” series. 

The last two or three chapters have felt surreal as the twins have been put in quarantine and after making it to the land of stories hear no sounds.  The world is too quiet.  I have experienced some of that myself.  Except instead of corona virus there are vines and thorns. Interesting read. 

I also predict that I will be napping.  Meanwhile Jenna has made another headband.  She use large pink buttons.  She misses the yellow ones. 

Her hair is getting quite long.


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