Don’t Jump to Conclusions but Give the Benefit of the Doubt

          The “Come Follow Me” lesson for last week was sections 64 – 66.  The theme for section 66 is on forgiveness.  It made me reflect back to the talk given in sacrament on the day my family arrived.  I believe he said he had based it on Elder Bednar’s talk from the October 2006 General Conference here. 

          The message of the talk was to not take offense.  There are many of us who take offence due to the actions or words used by others – or so we suspect.  But perhaps the “offender” is not even aware that we were offended. It’s not likely that the “offender” had gone out of his or her way to offend us but more likely that we misinterpreted.

          I have shared these two examples here and here in which I was the offender.  It reminded me of this skit

                How many times have I been in Ernie’s shoes? How many times have I thought up things that didn’t deserve the reaction I gave?  How many times have I jumped to conclusions rather than give another the benefit of the doubt?  I try to understand the other’s point of view.  I know I can be friends with those that don’t share my beliefs.

            As I age I have become wiser about some issues while my understanding is still fogged about other matters.  I want to be accepting.  I want to have better communication skills.  I want to understand another without being judgmental about a certain situation. 

          I am grateful for the opportunities to learn and for Heavenly Father’s love.  May I continue to strive to be an example unto Him.


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