Will You Hand Me Some Tissues, Please?
This is my third week taking my class called “Sociology of Ageism”. It’s been an interesting class, but I have been on an emotional roller coaster with the topics this week. Our discussion is on assisted living and long term health care and thus I’ve been reminiscing on what health care I would have liked for my mom versus what was settled for due to the expense.
I was in tears during the lecture as more triggers reintroduced me to some painful times during my mother’s final years and how it affected each family member not only with my mom but with one another. Whenever my instructor asked a question, I would provide an answer in lengthy detail to share the gist of what was felt – but not everything I felt. It wasn’t until after class that I posted a second discussion for any who happen to watch the recording. I shared three blog post links with explanations.
The first one that I shared was the very first post my niece had written for her blog. She explains how she and her husband (a newlywed couple) moved in with my mom and the trials they endured. I share a post my brother had created about the tension that had been created among my mom’s caregivers (that would be her children and grandchildren) though it is a lengthy post which I forewarned the class about. I also threw in one of my own just to add some humor. Three different links: sweet, depressing and perhaps a quick smile.
I am now working on my assignment for financial resources for the elderly. We are supposed to focus on Medicare as part of the assignment. I am learning some things but I have not been able to keep my emotions out of it for the most part. Next week will be the last week of this class. The time has flown.
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