It's the Wind I Tell You

            I wasn't able to create all the posts  I had planned.  After I had finished up my last post about our "Independence Day" day trip, I remembered Jenna had asked me to message some pictures that she had taken on my phone.  After I had completed that, I happened to check my grades and had received a comment from one of my instructor's that I had done my assignment incorrectly.

          I was supposed to complete a mock memo rather than turn in an essay.  I received a 95 out of 120 which is awesome for doing the wrong thing.  But at her request, I completed the correct assignment which I did not believe was as good as the essay and Roland and Jenna had returned before I had completed.  
          I've had this same instructor before the first year I had been started.  She taught history. I hadn't always received full credit on the assignments in that class either. I think she may be more lenient now but not entirely sure;  I don't recall ever resubmitting anything to try and improve a grade in history.  I do have great respect for her.  My first encounter with her was through the writing center. I had major problems getting in and had only twenty minutes left.  I was frustrated and in tears.  She returned my paper with her feedback before the next day.  I was impressed with the time she has given her students.

          I have not been focused lately.  I am ALWAYS tired.  Oregon wind hasn't wiped me out like Utah winds.  But the wind has blown a lot harder this year - nothing like some of the Utah winds I've experienced.  Usually just a bit more powerful than a cool breeze.  Plus just being at the computer.  Researching subjects for accounting.  Maybe it isn't the wind.  Maybe it's solely accounting.

          I have thought a lot about my youngest son with the two classes that I am currently taking.  He is definitely leadership material - which could be good, but I can totally see him falling into the trap of deception and misleading the company or his coworkers.  I feel really horrible for thinking that too.

          There is much that Randy and Roland share in common.  I'm certain that the majority of my sibs and their spouses may already view them as one in the same. I really wouldn't want to go into business with either one of them.  I've already established that I am not business minded.  Roland has always been able to separate personal from professional.  I don't seem to have nor want that ability.  If we had the money, we would seriously pay back every person we have ever borrowed from.  

          Thus far I have watched (or listened to) five videos from my ethnic class.  I still have yet to explore the assignment.  I have a lecture today at 11:30.  The other class lecture will start at 4:00.  May go my water fitness class this morning.  It's Monday, and I will go to the library to read a story or two and return for my studies.  I may be leaving Jenna at the library until closing.  We'll see


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