Salem Adventures
It took us just under two hours drive when we had gone to the Enchanted Forrest in March - not that it was our destination yesterday - but we did not even pass the sign until almost three hours later. Our destination was another twenty-five minutes north.
The online school had sent an announcement of two upcoming open house/conventions - one in Boise and one in Salem. We sent an RSVP for Salem. The convention was to start at 7:00 p.m.
I have a cousin who lives in Salem. Though I have lived in Oregon for three years now, we have never been able to get together until now. We made arrangements to visit with him and his wife at 5:00. I called Zach at 4:45 as we were still on the road in non-moving congestion - which by the way I have not had to deal with for the past three years and so had not even thought about it. We passed three police cars - or three sets rather - on the way up. I could see the flashing lights and thought there had been an accident ahead, but when we passed, it appeared that someone had been pulled over for speeding. Really? We are now slowed down from 50 - 35 - non-moving to pass a speeder?
I saw construction signs but no construction. From Sweet Home to Albany . . . bumper to bumper. Just before we got to Salem the flow of traffic was normal - like all the cars and trucks that had been moving at 10 mph had been beamed up into the sky - there hadn't been any exits. Where'd everybody go? That was weird.
We had a great visit with Zach and Amy. Amy allowed Jenna to be in her art studio, draw and use her stamps. Jenna was enjoying herself. Zach and I mostly listened as Roland monopolized the conversation. And then Amy, then me. I think Zach spoke the least amount of words.
We visited with them less than two hours before we excused ourselves to go to the convention. We should have brought them with us and continued to visit, as the only participants to show up for the open house were 6 faculty representatives and us. Needless to say, we were able to eat all the food that we wanted. Jenna and I may have each had an entire quart of lemonade. We helped ourselves to tee shirts and fidget spinners. We won the door prizes that were offered.
Our initial plans were to pop in, get some food, and probably leave. But we ended up staying for the entire thing. Roland sat at the table with five members. They talked about upcoming programs, how to improve certain areas and so forth. Jenna and I talked with the only other female there. We didn't go into depth as much as the guys, but did have a nice visit and talked about important things like movies, the theatre, Utah vs. Oregon. We should have gotten a picture with ourselves and the vice president - whom Roland informs me is 80 years old. Can you imagine?
It took us an hour less of time for the return home. Seems like it always takes longer to reach the destination than the return home. In this case, it is actual.
Roland's going to be tired today. Less than five hours of sleep last night.
Roland's going to be tired today. Less than five hours of sleep last night.
Jenna's home from camp now. Anxious for tonight's theatre rehearsal. I may take a nap while she and Roland are gone.
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