Wiggly, Squiggly Roads to Sunset Bay and Coos Bay
We have had mild weather this summer - at least thus far. There were three times in June that the temperature went above 80. For the most part, it doesn't really feel as warm as what we're told. The wind has been blowing hard for the most part - not violently, but more powerful than a breeze. We are now just going on our the fourth year in Oregon and don't really know any better. Those who have lived here for a great number of years say that it is unusual.
The fire signs have been moderate and we have not heard of any fires currently surrounding us as they did last year. That is a good thing as the wind would be very damaging.
Each morning I have gone to the pool, everyone in the class comments on the water's coldness. The themorstat in the pool is always marked between 76 and 80. It always feels like 50. If this is a tradeoff for having no fires, I will willingly accept this as a positive trade-off.
As I had mentioned earlier, Jenna had hoped to start off the summer at the beach. We haven't gone earlier as the weather in Coos Bay is usually about 20 degrees less than Myrtle Creek (at least in the summer). Perhaps we ought to move to Coos Bay?
It had been raining in June and so Jenna asked if we could go on the 4th of July. I thought it would be crowded, but it was not. The water was colder than the high 50-degree air. Jenna had invited one of her friends to go with us. They put swim trunks and patriotic t-shirts.
I think I may also have mentioned that I am currently without a camera and was not in a position to take pictures of Jenna and Cathy, but I thought they looked great. I don't even think we were halfway there when Jenna mentioned she needed to use the restroom - she should have just asked for Roland to pull over or ask for a bag. She needs to throw up, but I did not understand that was the reason until we got to Myrtle Point. She threw up before we pulled over.
I'd forgotten how car sick she used to get when we were living in Salt Lake - and there the roads were straight. Thus I'm actually surprised she has not gotten car sick before - especially since the Oregon roads seem to wind in every direction. We've been out to Coos Bay a few times and I don't recall them being as windy as they were yesterday.
We pulled up in the lot of a McKay's Market. Jenna and I went inside to get her cleaned up and changed. There aren't any public restrooms per se, but there are the employee restrooms located way in back and above. We were told to "follow the yellow brick road" to make our way upstairs where Jenna changed.
She was a bit miffed as she hadn't considered bringing extra shirts as she has several that display the American Flag. There were some articles of clothing shoved in the back of the trunk and she changed to a dirty black oversized tee - or perhaps it was a nightshirt. On the front were several hearts resembling that of confection heart candies.
Upon our return to the car, Roland and Cathy were finishing cleaning up the mess that Jenna had made. Roland asked for a towel to dry the moisture he had used to clean and went into McKay's to purchase some air fresheners for the car. Jenna was major embarrassed and very apologetic. Things happened. We moved on.
When we had pulled into the parking lot of Sunset Bay beach area, there was only one other car, but at least six cars were behind us. Jenna and Cathy made their way to the ocean and decided it was too cold and worked on making sand castles. Roland and I wore jackets. Roland took pictures with his cell phone.
Gradually, Jenna and Cathy made their way back into the water and let the waves crash against their calves. I took pleasure in listening to them laugh. When they returned to where I was seated, Jenna took off her sand covered shirt and she returned to the semi-dry clothes she had rinsed in the sink at the McKay's in Myrtle Point.
I had picked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, chips, watermelon, cookies, and drinks. We all ate food on the beach and left shortly after the girls had finished eating. We drove toward town to get some ice cream at Dairy Queen.
Jenna and Cathy each ordered a large blizzard but neither could finish. I wouldn't have ordered my own had I known. I overate and as a result of the undigested ice cream mixed the curvy roads, I also experienced car sickness. I had Roland pull over when there was extra land sticking out beyond the road. Jenna and I both got out. She only wanted to stretch, but I wanted to inhale some fresh air or throw up to make myself feel better. I threw up - not near as much as Jenna had.
We made another stop in Myrtle point as I wanted to get the girls posing with the giant lumber jack posted outside the loggers museum
Jenna was had changed again and was hoping to catch some fireworks to finalize her glorious day, but the cities are between fireworks right now. Because of volunteers needing to return to work, weekdays are not the best for having fireworks. Thus Riddle decided to hold their parade and festivities on the Saturday closest to the 4th of July (which happened on June 30 this year and so we had missed it) and Myrtle Creek won't be doing theirs until the end of this month.
We went to Dollar General where she purchased poppers and silly string and live streamed her enthusiasm - only her light up head band could be seen. There were some fireworks going off. Not a lot. But I think she made the best of it really.
Currently, she and Roland are at rehearsal for a musical that will take place at the end of August. I have turned in all my assignments and will hopefully be able to make the time I'd like for upcoming blog posts. I don't wish to neglect Jenna tomorrow but will spend some time on the computer. We'll see how it goes.
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