Cruise to Alaska - Misty Fjords

written on May 27, 1996

This font refers to what was written in 1996        and this font is my own commentary in the present.

May 23 - Thursday

                Wake up sometime between 4:30 and 5:00.  Made my way out of bed to go to the bathroom.  When I got back I decided I really wasn't through.  And then I felt nauseated.  So after I throw up a few times, I put on my pants and sweatshirt and went for a walk.  When I found a clock, it said 4:50.  So I don't know if I was really up before 4:30 or not.  Maybe.

            Anyway, we weren't getting into Ketchikan until noon.  I planned on sleeping until then.  Only after I finally got up, I decided I should probably eat.

            Grandma and I went to the Palm Court dining room at 1:30 and wolfed down our hamburgers in order to have time to catch our tour at 12:30.  Float plane to Misty Fjord - wh[ich] I had been interested in most of all our side tours.

                It was cool.  It was so cool. And I had gotten a battery after [toying with the idea] for almost a whole day.  Two cameras.  Awesome pictures. [Though I may have believed it at the time, the pictures at present do not do justice to what I saw with my naked eyes.] It was great.  I'd never been in a seaplane.  It was so peaceful.  We landed on the lake.  Gosh, it was gorgeous.

            Downtown Ketchikan was straight off the boat.  We went back to unload our stuff and grandma and then went back to shop.

            Oh, I didn't mention that I had [purchased] a new coat at the gift shop on the boat the night before.  My big purchase - cost more than any of the tours.  But now I am very happy about it.

            Anyway, we [purchased] some more sweatshirts, books, jewelry and of course, postcards.  I bought a hart just before I got back on the ship.  Should have probably gotten one for grandma.

            [I don't remember the hat at all.  I probably did give it to grandma instead of keeping it for myself]

            Another formal evening.  And we had been invited to the Captains Circle cocktail party (we're such the party animals) and had our pictures taken and then once again in the dining room.  And I took several pictures of our waiters.  I hope they turn out.


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