I'm Done For the Week (except for Daily Checkpoints)
My classes are database - learning the Microsoft program Access and accounting management systems. The lecture for the database is for Monday morning and the accounting lecture is 25 hours later on Tuesday - except this week. Our instructor was out of town and in the path of the hurricane and had come home, but was driving all day Tuesday and couldn't present the lecture until Thursday. Our initial post for discussion is due on Wednesday.
I am so excited about the database class and had completed the discussion, assignment, and assessment shortly after the lecture. On Tuesday I responded to two other discussion posts and posted my discussion for the other class. The instructor had already posted my grades before I opened zoom chat for her question and answer on Wednesday.
On Monday, I had tried to open the text for my accounting class, but I couldn't get in. On Tuesday I sent an email that the text ebook wouldn't open. Oh, I have managed to misplace a physical textbook - but never in cyberspace! Turns out that the textbook has been discontinued and so was not even able to look at the PDF replacement until Wednesday when the dean apologized for the confusion and commented that late work for this week would not be held against us.
I really do prefer hearing the lecture before doing the assignment or assessment. Wednesday was unproductive as far as my schooling goes. I did ask my few questions to my database instructor and then I took the car in to have the oil changed. Roland and I went to Roseburg for the free senior movie. I did not respond to my accounting discussion post until yesterday after the lecture.
I have never completed all (or at least the majority) of my assignments in one day, and yet I did this week - Monday I completed my database (except for the response) and yesterday I completed my accounting requirements (except for the daily checkpoints - of course) and so will have today off as well. I usually am done with my work by Friday, but again, I've never completed all the requirements in just one day. Two perhaps, but usually three. I really hope to continue in that manner. I would be done by Wednesday, respond to posts on Thursday (because there are many who procrastinate and don't do their initial post until the last second on Wednesday - which is when it is due). That would be so awesome!
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