More Staycation – More Excitement

Day 3

         Since it has been light enough to drive Jenna to seminary in the morning, I have been taking her in while Roland sleeps.  He gets the honor of picking her up as the sun is glaring so loudly that I am not comfortable with it.  Happy Doughnuts offers specials each day: Maple Bar Monday, Twists on Tuesday and so forth. Wednesday's specialty is biscuits and gravy for a dollar.  Thus after we picked Jenna up from seminary we went to Happy Doughnuts to get biscuits and gravy for Roland and me and a bacon maple bar for Jenna.

        Roland and I left the house again just before 9:00.  We drove to Canyonville to get our second shot.  Unlike the first shot where we had to get out and go inside, we stayed in the car while they came out to us to get our ID and give us our shots.  So we are now good to go.

            Since we were already in the car, Roland decided to take me to Roseburg though Jenna would have much rather gone.  I thought it would be great for me to stay home with Bonnie as we were passing the house anyway.  But Roland wouldn’t hear of it.  We spent day four in Roseburg first at Lowes because we needed air filters but also dirt, purifiers, and a replacement pair of gloves.  Oh, and fencing to keep the chickens out of whatever we plant.  They have already knocked down our tulips and Jenna and I have each straightened them out and are losing dirt.

            We then went to Costco.  I was puzzled that they were giving away samples.  But they came in small white paper baggies that customer could eat once leaving the store.  We purchased one hot dog as I was hungry and didn’t believe the samples would tie me over.  I ate the hotdog plain and shared the samples with Roland as he drove us back home.

            We then set up an appointment to take Jenna to the fairgrounds on Saturday (I plan on staying home with Bonnie that day) and I printed out a receipt with her order number on it. Meanwhile, as you wait for our next adventure, here are some photos to tie you over:

Jenna and I have both straightened the tulips that the chickens knocked over

Roland and I added some dirt

and these flowers 

and chicken wire and pinwheels which
we hope will keep the fowl creatures out

we added chicken wire to keep them from going under the deck

I took these pictures trying to capture the concern of the chickens on the outside for those "trapped" on the inside.  They weren't trapped really.  They got in beneath the stairs but were to stupid to figure out they could exit that way as well

Mitch trying to entice the "trapped" chicken         

I do have three posts of Scavenger Hunt pics (plus extras in the first post as we took several pics of the first item on the list) and will post those within the next three days.


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