Our Letter/Card Assembly Line


            Shortly after Roland and I had married he had invested in a sales program featuring Roger Butcher.  

He had tried a number of suggestions, but the one we used the most was for sending out letters to home owners whose physical addresses were different from the property itself.  We would form an assembly line as someone would write the letter, another would fold it, another would insert it into an envelope.  One would adhere the mailing lable, stamp return address and add a stamp. 

            The more hands that got involved, the quicker the process.  For the most part it became an activity that we would force the boys to assist.  Often we made it a family home evening project.  There was at least one time we had involved the YW of our ward.

            Roland had started out by folding, sealing, labeling, addressing and so forth – each letter one at a time.  I told him that to do just one thing at a time.  Fold ALL of the letters and then stuff each into its own envelope before moving on to the next step.  That way I can assist.  I refuse to do one letter at a time from beginning to end.  I think assembly lines are so much easier.

             We haven’t done letters since living in Utah but have moved onto greeting cards.  At first it was only a couple a year, but the pandemic seemed to create more time for Roland to come up with cards which aren’t the norm to send out in multiplication.  We have not done an assembly line for the birthday cards but all else.  Someone folds (except last night as Staples had done it for us) stuff the envelope, address, and so forth.  Last night’s project: Earth Day.


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