Scavenger Hunt continues

My favorite restaurant is currently receiving a new makeover.  I hope it reopens

Jenna's favorite eating place is Subway hands down.  We also like Figaros which appears in the photo

The web page appears differently on the phone (her screenshot) and the computer (mine)

I drink something different every morning - sometimes a soda.  And lest us not forget this great photo here

Jenna did not take a picture for the contest but used this one that she had saved to her phone.  She said the cup has orange juice in it.  I had learned that it was not even hers. It may have been sent in error. I hadn't even thought about it until just now.  I think she will be disqualified for that. 

I made a correction and sent in the photo below to replace the Van Gogh cup above 

Now for the plants around the house or yard.  There were more taken than submitted - and not just of our yard.

my submission: snowball bush grows outside of Jenna's window

same snowball bush taken from Jenna's window

Jenna said she wanted to take the tulips - which is why I went for the
snowball bush.  She did take this photo but as you can see from
an earlier post, these are NOT our tulips.  Still pretty.
so many plants in bloom right now; we
enjoy our walks around the neighborhood 

As with the web page, her facebook screenshot appears differently than the one I took

She had also liked the above photo and was qualified to be entered in the contest.  I forgot to like and don't know whether I have been entered or not.
I had taken a picture of the first street sign we came to.  It was hidden in the trees.  She didn't seem to go for a street but did take this sign (which I neglected to crop)

20th photo in her camera:

20th photo in mine (or at least was; I've now cleared the majority of pics from my camera)


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