other pics with references

 This is a photo I took of Carlin Prison.

I was unable to get photo of the warning sign, but you can find it at this site

Jim Goldstien

I had also missed my opportunity of getting a good photo of what my husband refered to as the "Joshua tree" although I couldn't find it listed under that name. I found the pic below on this site.

also a better picture of the Salt Flat rest stop (last post) found here

I found it interesting that the Elko Temple was built quite near a Wingers Casino and found two pics (with comments)  here and here

Apparently I was wrong about the location of the California Trail.  We had passed an exit indicating Hunter, no services and there was the center.  

May have been worth the stop but I don't even know if they were opened when we passed.  Here is the site for that location. 

So that wraps up our journey.  Sometimes I think I need to leave the state and return to appreciate the moist breathable air.


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