In the Fire

           I have not set any new years resolutions – nor do I feel the need to wait until New Year’s Day to do so. 

I have been sick (off and on –though mostly on) for going on six weeks now.  I suppose I could have COVID – I never think about possibly having it until weeks after the fact. 

Richard and I took a quick trip out of town.  I noticed miracles along the way and have written them down.

I haven’t had much of a voice for the last eight days or so – possibly more (I’ve also been disoriented through this whole ordeal; grateful I don’t have a sinus infection) but am getting closer to being heard – though I sound like a cross between a chipmunk and one who may have swallowed razor blades.

So I do have thoughts in the fire.  Hopefully they don’t all get consumed and go up in smoke.  I need more motivation.


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