I Haven’t Heard that Word for Three or Four Years

     I vaguely remember the facebook comments that were made after Devin Durrant’s talk given during the Sunday afternoon session in the October 2015 General Conference.  It was the first general conference we had watched after moving to Oregon.  I don’t know how focused I was on his talk.  I remember he used the word “Ponderize” though  I didn’t realize how often.  22 times according to this website.  Okay . . .

          I remember I had facebook friends who really liked the idea behind the word as it offered some sort of empowerment – 20% memorization and 80% pondering.  And then I had facebook friends who were overly irritated with the new made-up word.  How dare someone introduce as non-existing word into conference!  Would it be a trend?  I was indifferent and really didn’t care about the word one way or the other – although I may have leaned slightly toward those who were not in favor than those that were – just because my relationship with those that seemed to LOATHE the idea of PONDERIZATION were closer friends to me than the ones who seemed to love the new word.

          I hadn’t heard that word many times since – though I do remember the few times I did hear the word mentioned, I’d smile about the different comments made particularly from those who hated the word.  And then I forgot all about the very existence of the word until today.  The bishop’s wife used it in her talk.  I Googled the word to learn about where it had gone, not knowing a scandal had followed as a website was created within hours of Bro. Durrant’s talk.  The website was labeled as “Priest-craft” by some members.

          The Urban Dictionary (here) provides several definitions for the word “Ponderize” – the seventh definition is the one that had been used in conference.  Although it’s misfortune and most likely ego bruising, it’s the first definition that makes me laugh.  I must have a warped sense of humor.  I’m glad that Ponderize didn’t become the trendy word that I suppose it could have (I suppose because of the website scandal). I think if it had caught on, I would be rolling my eyes every time I hear it.


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