More Triggered Memories


            I have used the above picture in an earlier post.  My first post in February 2012 – the year I started my blog.  The post itself had nothing to do with the picture.  Let me relate what really happened and why Jenna is making this face.

            As I mentioned in a more recent post we used to walk everywhere – though Kearns offered more destinations than anything in West Valley or Myrtle Creek.  We did not walk to the library often as we had to cross a busy street, but Jenna had not taken a nap and would be in need of one and usually the walk to the library and back wore her out. 

            I would always hold Jenna’s hand when we were out on walks – especially when crossing streets – especially the busy one. She insisted on crossing 5400 on her own.  No way!  What kind of a mother would I be to allow my five year old cross 5400 by herself?!?  I forced her to hold my hand the return and may have even carried her across at one point.  What a brute, I know.  Anyway, she made that face because she was upset with me.


            Many times Jenna and I have taken walks that will trigger some kind of memory – for instance yesterday I posted about my first car.  The trigger happened when we first saw a Volkswagen Beetle.  It was the same shade of blue as the car the Gus drives in the TV series Psych. 
         I told Jenna that it was a Beetle and when she started calling it a bug I told her that I thought the bug was bigger than the beetle – she thought I was joking about the names but shortly afterward a Volkswagen Bug came up the street as we were walking and I told her I used to have a Volkswagen Dasher.  I also shared a story about my sister Kayla who always seemed to have a fondness for the Volkswagen Bug and said she planned to buy one when she was old enough to drive (I think she was younger than 8 when this experience happened)

            My brother  and I planned to go to Trafalga Family Fun Center with a few friends.  I don’t remember how many went, but we had to take several cars in order to fit us all.  A friend picked me up in her Volkswagen Bug and we took Kayla with us.  I don’t remember all of what we did but do remember that miniature golf and bumper cars were offered in addition to water rides.  After we had returned home I remember telling mom what we did and she asked Kayla what her favorite part of the day had been. 

            “We got to ride in a bug!” she beamed proudly.  I had to explain that Janice had picked us up in her Volkswagen Bug.  I hadn’t thought about it as a highlight but it had been for Kayla.


            When we lived in Kearns I used to walk to the gas station near our house.  I would push Jenna in the stroller and go in to fill up my 32 ounce cup with soda.  Jenna always had her sippy cup which would sometimes need a refill – but I didn’t want to give her soda.  They had a watered down juice – I don’t even remember what it was.  I think it was Sobe some raspberry flavored liquid.  I saw it as a safe bet and would fill her cup half way and add some more water.  The gas station attendant never charged me for it but had always encouraged me to take it.  I’m guessing it wasn’t a good seller and he wanted to get rid of it.  


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