When Did I Start Falling Apart?
I remember walking with the boys and then with Jenna when we lived in Kearns. I walked with Jenna to the bus stop and to the school from the bus stop and returned to the bus stop and walked between. I did a lot of walking.
Even when we lived on the rental
property in Myrtle Creek Jenna and I walked nearly every day. I go with her now when she is walking Bonnie
and I have never felt so worn out.
Bonnie always sounds like I feel – exhausted and panting. Maybe she’s not. She’s overweight so I think the walk is
stressful – especially because she always seems like she’s in a hurry. She needs to pace herself.
I preferred the walks in Utah and around Neal and Riverside or Millsite park. I no longer enjoy climbing – which is what we are doing each time we “walk” because everything is hilly with more ups than downs.
I used to be in better shape. Kayla and I used to go on hikes all the
time. I know she continued after she met
Bill and now with her family. I don’t
get exhausted when I go out to the mailbox – or even on my return. But I do find it more challenging to walk
from the corner of our street back to our house for example. I don’t think I snort like Bonnie does, but
My favorite thirst quencher has
ALWAYS been water. I had worked myself
up to drinking 3-5 quarts of water a day and gradually even more. And then I got pregnant with Jenna and went
through water withdrawl.
It did not matter how quickly or
slowly I drank the water – I would throw it up.
If I gulped it down or gently sipped it.
I drank because I was thirsty but I threw up a lot. It wasn’t just the first trimester
either. IT WAS ALL NINE MONTHS!!! Nine months of throwing up water and almost
any kind of food I ate. I could hold
down dairy products and fish. Nine
months of less water which I tried to drink again, but never was able to
complete my goal of more than three quarts until just lately. I hope to get up to six.
Jenna has always liked water
too. Even at a young age there were
times that she just preferred it to anything else. She drinks a lot of water – probably more
than me. Wish Roland would follow our
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