Saturday, January 16, 2021


 When I was younger

I was a climber

            I climbed on the furniture

did my best to scale walls

aimed for the tree tops

Climbing was a part of me


I may not have been the fastest runner

but I did enjoy running

playing tag and let us not forget



After my sister Kayla had come along

we learned that she was a better climber

We have at least one photograph of her

between two walls of the door frame

head near the ceiling

Mom had returned home one day to find


 sitting on the closet door

I suppose that is not as scary

as finding me on the roof           

of the house

across the street


My daughter Jenna loves to climb

She used to climb on furniture

                        Don’t remember her ever scaling the walls


she loves trees

has been climbing them

since she was tall enough

to reach branches


I seemed to

have stopped somewhere

along the way

as Jenna continues

She may never stop climbing

                        I hope that she doesn’t.

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