Walking Bonnie on a Scavenger Hunt


Jenna asked me if I would go on a walk with her and Bonnie.  She asked if I could look up a scavenger hunt list that we could do at the park.  I pulled up a list and sent it to her phone.  The rules were that we could not take something that we brought ourselves and no repeats.  At least one of us had to be in the picture with said item (as we would not be bringing any of it home) My rule was that we did not have to capture things in order otherwise we would still be at the park with an empty list.

Twenty items were on the list. The list goes as follows:

Something covered in feathers

Something inflated by air

Something made of wood

Something purple

Something rectangle

Something round

Something shorter than you

Something square

Something striped

Something taller than you

Something that flies

Something that displays a rule(s)

Something that smells pretty

Something with wheels

Something yellow

Something you can sit in

Something you use to play sports

The letter S

Something covered in fur

Something with a date on it

The first thing we captured was number 12 the park rules.  I think it is the only time Jenna wore the mask.

The second Jenna took of me and Bonnie.  #3 something wood

Jenna had mentioned that we would need something with wheels.  There is a large saw mill that we could take a picture of.  Only she thought I meant the mason stone which I thought she took, but found this instead.

4 something with wheels

Jenna spotted second Ave and thus we crossed the street and took a picture of #18 something that starts with S

point of interest: Top of street that leads to the park where
Jenna is standing is where the Christmas tree is placed
each year
thus second Ave is closed off for a month.

We did get a picture of the saw not for S, not for wheel, but for #20 something with a date

perhaps not so much a full date as just the year

Jenna spotted the wheelchair marking on the ground and decided to lay next to it.  #8 something square

For number 17 Something you use to play sports Jenna and I decided that the baseball field would serve as the background as it is something that many do use to play sports

Jenna saw a group of people looking towards the sky and finally spotted the drone they were all looking at.  I suggested she take it for #11 something that flies.  It is the only picture that neither one of us were in.  She has circled the drone as it didnt come out so obvious in the photo

I grabbed a couple of plastic bags from the park dispenser just in case we needed to clean up after Bonnie who did take a dump but proceeded to bury it before I could pull the sack apart.

I then posed with a stump #7 something shorter than me.

I asked if the book drop could be used as one of list items.  She went down to investigate and there are some purple paperbacks

Bonnie followed her and tangled them both in her leash.  I wish I would have had a picture of that.  When Jenna tried to get them both untangled, Bonnie decided to chew on her leash

Though we had passed yellow speed bumps, Jenna decided the Oregon Duck rock had a more exciting yellow and thus posed with the rock # 15 something yellow

Jenna went into the restroom to take her picture sitting in something.  I didnt realize she was going to choose the sink #16 something you sit in.

There were four small flags displayed behind a very small fence.  I asked Jenna if that would work I liked the display.  She was not comfortable taking the picture however as there was a group of people nearby.  She found another flag and used it for #9 something with stripes. We could have also used it as either #10 something taller or #5 something rectangle but stripes seemed the best choice.

Jenna then found a tree barely taller than herself and decided wed pose with it though I thought we could have found a more exciting background with a different (and taller) tree

She took a picture of a squirrel or attempted to rather.  I had Bonnie on the leash.  She dashed toward the squirrels and so it moved out of frame.

Jenna thought we could get another dog with other walkers but they went in another direction.  Further up we got our #5 something rectangle and #6 something round

It wasnt until we had almost completed full circle when Jenna spotted another dog walker and asked if she could pose with their dogs but got only one that has a similar coloring to Bonnie.

Bonnie of course wanted to follow the dogs as she continued to bark at them and knocked Jenna over.

As we had not used the bags for Bonnies bowels and still had three things on the list Jenna decided to inflate one of the bags so that we could mark off #2 from our list.

something inflated by air

She approached two women and asked if they had any perfume or something that smelled pretty though I had suggested plants that bloom in the spring time and might be fragrant, but I dont know.  I cant smell.  Jenna settled on a bottle of Pepsi.  I dont know that Id say Pepsi has a pretty smell but that was our number 13.

And thus we left the park having marked off each item but the first something covered in feathers.  We had heard birds in the trees but could not see them nor did we find ducks in the water.  I told Jenna to take a picture of her skinned knee that she received when Bonnie pushed her over.  

Jenna, still determined to get her feather covered fowl took one from our front porch (no longer in the park rather seven miles away) and almost as easy to spot as the drone.  The orange above her head is one of many fowl that come into our yard.

Overall it was a fun little adventure.  


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