Homophones: Peace and Piece

Peace offers silence, comfort, stillness, and even tranquility.
Peace is positive.
Piece, on the other hand, can be positive or negative.

Broken or shattered pieces are negative.
Stepping on a piece of glass for instance
          would offer no peace at all -
quite the opposite really.

Some pieces are clues.  We may
find a piece of history.
We may discover a missing piece that may
connect us to another.
Those kind of pieces may sometimes invite peace.

Then there are some pieces that have no
positive or negative effect. 
They're just there.
Finding the missing piece to
the puzzle,
the broken earring,
the exact fit for replacing the broken part
          in the car.
Those may bring satisfaction -
          which is different from peace.

Emotions may be described using both words.
          "My heart has broken into pieces"
"A piece of my soul has died"
"I need a piece of your love"
          When our hearts break,
we pray for peace.
          When our soul has died,
it is possible to restore through peace.
          Some people think that
Love and Peace are the same thing.

          We may feel a sense of peace as we
admire a work of art or "art piece" but
certain Art pieces can also destroy one's
sense of peace.  


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