The Dryness is Going to Kill Me

          October is normally my favorite month, all the fall leaves and crisp air.  Facebook memories indicate that there has often been a sickness within the family.  It doesn't last as long as what I've seemed to experience this year.  It was bad enough before we set our clocks to standard.  Setting the clocks back seemed to say to the sun, "you have permission to take a long nap.  Perhaps you can make an appearance every now and then - just so we know you're up there."

          The air has been so dry.  It's horrible.  I came to Oregon for moisture.  The fog hasn't seemed to carry much moisture to it this year nor has it rained often.  We're not currently hooked up to natural gas, and thus the only source of heating we have had has been electrical and feels drier than the gas somehow.  At least my lungs and throat believe they are.  I haven't had a sinus infection, but am getting tired of a dry throat each morning and the few hours it takes me to unclog all of my breathing passages.  I do well in the daylight, but when the sun starts to set - shortly after 3:00 pm - which is so wrong! - It gets cold and frosty and my body temperature has a hard time adjusting to the air around me.

          I've been filling in for instructor aides at various schools.  The instructor I have been with this week keeps her room so hot, it is unbearable - like certain buses that I would ride in Salt Lake.  The air is nearly the same as what I left behind.  I want to breathe again.  I would like to have moist clean air again.  (And I'm still ticked off about adjusting clocks every six months - that doesn't help anyone as far as health and productivity go)


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