Headache, sore throat, body ache, etc.
Richard’s birthday is October 3. Every year around his birthday or sometimes not until before Thanksgiving he will catch a cold that will seemingly linger more each year. This year happened within a few weeks after his birthday. He happened to be in San Diego at the time. He picked up a cold! I told him NOT to bring it home. But he did. First he shared it with our youngest son and brought it home to me. Oh, gee.
Cold symptoms effect different people
in different ways. For me, it was like
getting hit by a MACK truck – not that I’ve ever really
been hit by a MACK truck mind
you. I just imagine that is partially how it would feel. Like every tissue and
organ within your body has felt the weight of heaviness smacking into it until
it is too weak to function on its own.
I asked Richard to bring the walker
from the shed just so I could use it to support myself as I slowly maneuvered myself
from the bed to the toilet –
moaning in pain. For a few brief moments
I had considered that it could be COVID but overall I
felt too weak to even care. I certainly
wasn’t about to
leave the comforts of home to maybe possibly be tested. That was Monday. Richard (though he still has
a nasty cough) waited on me hand and foot.
And kept me drugged. Niquil, Dayquil,
Alka-selzer whatever. I am misspelling
those drug names? I feel like I am. I continued to remained drugged – not that I
wasn’t far from
disoriented without them.
I hadn’t gone to Church on Sunday – neither of us
had. But I did attend a meeting that I
probably shouldn’t have. But I felt much better Tuesday and yesterday – not enough to
attend the luncheon I don’t think
Richard should have either. I feel
better today than yesterday but do tend to hack up phlegm if I have to talk – which I am
trying so hard not to do. But I do want
to play games with Jaime – who must
think I sound like Darth Vader. But I am
getting better. I feel better. I have ditched my walker. I doubt I have COVID. I’m certain that
Richard doesn’t have
it. Still he could have brought it home.
I’m grateful for modern day medicines
and technology. I’m grateful for
restored health.
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