Embrace the Differences
I vaguely remember a class called “Culture Refinement”. It was taught in Relief Society on the 4th Sunday of the month. I remember my mom was a cultural refinement teacher. I know that was her calling while I was out on my mission. The subjects of her lessons seemed to focus on arts, literature, and customs. I liked the custom part of it – learning about other cultures, nationalities and backgrounds. The class was dropped sometime before this century – though I can’t pinpoint a date. I was serving in the primary for so many years.
I guess I was reminded a little bit
when we had our lesson on Sunday. The
theme (from my point of view anyway) was on acceptance and loving a person
though you might not agree with their lifestyles. It would be nice to understand different
walks of life – what makes one tick.
Becoming more aware of our diversities.
And quit using lables!
In my vain attempt for finding more
about Cultural Refinement I found this page and thought it would be good to
explore beyond the family but to learn the traditions of others who might be
outside of my circle. It never hurts to
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