What is Up With Us?

                Since we have been in Oregon I tend to fall asleep between 8:00 and 8:30.  I rarely sleep through the night.  I drink more water than my bladder can handle and tend to get up during the not.  Often I am unable to return to my slumber and end up getting up, playing games on my kindle sometimes in the room, sometimes in another.  I’m up for about two hours before returning to bed and will sleep until 7:00 or 7:30 – except lately.  One I’m up, I’m up for the day. 

            Richard, on the other hand, used to get up early and now is the one who will sleep in – but then he doesn’t come to bed until after midnight – unless the internet goes out, and then he’ll come to bed.  But usually he is up and down also.  Just never at the same time.

            This morning I got up at 3:00.  I finally made my way into the front room between 3:30 and 4:00.  We were both fully dressed before 5:00 a.m.  What is up with that?  He expects he will fall asleep during church.  He always does.  Perhaps we will take naps after church.

Currently he is watching Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.  Oh, yes.  Just how I want to start out my Sunday.  I returned to our bedroom.  Will mark scriptures right after I post this.


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