Crazy Times . . . Still

          Jenna and I had the day off yesterday.  She had been at a sleepover and I did not have to drive at all.  It will be her last hoorah – although she doesn’t know it yet.  Governor Brown has set the state back to mandatory mask wearing and no indoor gatherings of more than ten.

          People complain.  It doesn’t matter what decision is made, someone gets upset.  Seems like even more lawsuits are being filed – against the governors, against the federal government . . .          One lawsuit is to keep students from other countries from having to return to their home countries.  I am in agreement that if they want to be here they should have that choice.  I think a citizen from another country would not even want to be in the U.S. right now.  Surely there are safer countries than this one.

          California has gone back to phase one though it sounds like lockdown is in the near future.  They won’t be starting public schools back up in the fall, nor will Portland.  We should have never opened when we did.

          The Roseburg Stake (for LDS church) was supposed to start back up on the 26th.  No longer happening – which is fine.  I have not read the letter from the presidency but knew that there were stipulations about returning and that those over 65 were adviced to use discretion about NOT returning at this time.  That would mean 60 – 80 percent of our ward I would think.  I wish the country could run like the church through inspiration and not influence of politics or hormones. 

          I’d rather not have a repeat of this year.


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