Another Ignorance Learned
I have not unfriended or blocked anyone due to political views although I have unfollowed people due to their ignorant and often offensive memes. My eldest son is the biggest culprit. But then I never have shared in his sense of humor (or lack thereof). I have family members who have unfriended him. He is not the same person he was at one time. He has forgotten that he lost a wife and has developed into quite an insensitive person.
Masks are now mandatory in at least
half the states – some are resorting back to lockdown. I have heard that only USA has made the coronavirus
and mask requirement a political issue.
For the most part I have viewed the anti mask wearers or Trump
supporters as “me” people. They abuse
their freedoms at the cost of other people.
They are bullies. Not all of them
are Republican. Not all supporters are
Democrats. What does that even mean to
affiliate yourself with a party? Shouldn’t
we vote for the individual and not worry about what party they supposedly
When I looked up the definitions of
each, the answers seem to apply to the last four years. So does that mean the definition changes each
time we get a new president? That seems
I don’t recall sharing political memes
until the after we had returned from New York.
Most of them have had to do with “freedoms” and “mask wearing” My latest (and probably last) one features
three bee keeper – two are wearing masks and one has bees buzzing around his
exposed face. The caption reads: “I told
him as an expert in the field I strongly recommentd wearing it, but he just
kept bringing up his ‘rights’” My
caption was “notice the freedoms enjoyed by the guy with the bees” I had also made a similar comment on another
post regarding life jackets.
One of my facebook friends pointed
out that she felt like she was being harassed.
She doesn’t agree with me. She’s
a frontline worker who doesn’t enjoy wearing a mask all day – which I get – but
you would think a front line worker would want others to keep their faces
covered as it seems to be the frontline workers who are getting sick.
I got the message loud and clear. I
have been doing to same exact thing as those that I have stopped
following. I have putting up reminders
to those who agree or that fall upon deaf ears – so what’s the point. My friend is right. I have been just as ignorant as those that I
have been calling ignorant. How many
people have I offended? This crises
should not be about who is right or wrong.
We need to support and lift one another.
Neither pro or con memes are uplifting.
Sure, some of them can be funny.
But they can also be hurtful.
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