Christmas Present for the Ward

          Our ward has seemed to dwindle in attendance since we first moved in.  Some have left our ward due to moving out of the area or moving on to the other side.  We’ve had some move in – but where is the activity?  It has always been an older ward; the daytime activities seem more well attended than night time.

           The activities committee had set up and decorated Thursday morning to afternoon.  It was beautiful.  A lot of work went into it.  They had set up an overflow room.  But as it was not all the tables filled up.  I don’t know why.  Last year we seemed to have had people coming out of the woodwork.  I felt smooshed as though there was no elbow room. 

           This year they had planned for 125 people.  I think there may have been sixty people.  Maybe.  Lot of food.  An announcement will be made tomorrow.  Changes we’re not supposed to talk about.  Speculations on my part.  I do know who the new ward clerk is going to be.  Many will be called and set apart tomorrow.  I know I’m not supposed to say anything – but I don’t think anybody from my ward reads my blog – especially on Saturday.  Why would they read the very day I post it.  And after tomorrow they will already know.

           Young Women and Relief Society will remain the same.


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