Friday, January 4, 2019

Bi-weekly word: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Well, I was going to save this for next week, but might as well post this right now as I have learned one of my assignments for next week is quite time consuming and I'm wondering if I will be able to post at all.  Only two and a half accounting classes to go.  June will be here in no time.

The word " Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" has 15 syllables.  15!  It's a real word that rolls of Jenna's tongue the way "sunset" or "syllable" might roll off my own tongue.  The word "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" means "the fear of long words".  Well, that is just rude to saddle on one who has said phobia.  The origin and breaking apart of the 15 syllable word are found in this post by Jacob Oleson.

Jenna LOVES long words.  The more syllables it contains, the better the word, in her opinion.  Oh, she is not an avid speller of words, not even phonetically (which Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia appears to be for the most part.  Spelling has never been her thing.  But saying words and understanding their definitions.  Hey, if the word contains more than four syllables, she's all over it. It isn't just a recent thing either.  She has always had a fascination for big words.  

When she was two, she would say the words "Hippopotamus" and "Rhinoceros" as though it was perfect acceptable for a two-year-old to adapt 4 and 5 syllable words into their vocabulary.  I told her she could say "Hippo" and "Rhino" in order to shorten and make them easier to say.  She looked at me as though that was such a foreign concept.  Why would anyone ever replace such beautiful words containing four and five syllables with a shortened nickname that was not as fun to say?

Needless to say, I don't understand where Jenna finds her vocabulary words.  My vocabulary goes to 3 and 4 syllable words like: "purify" and "geriatric" but nothing six to eight syllables.  I think doctors have many syllable words in their vocabulary.  They're always sputing off, "it looks like you have a case of nasopharyngitis or rhinopharyngitis"  Say what?  Oh, that's just fancy talk for "You have a common cold" but the words they use leave you believing that it's something more serious. , I wouldn't have even believed a 15 syllable word existed if Jenna hadn't told me. But then again, many a phobea has many syllables.  I had just never heard of 15 before.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Light Yellow

When Jenna was younger, we 
would sometimes watch shows on demand.  
I cannot remember the name of the program we 
watched geared toward young children on development.  

I thought it was called "Baby Genius" but 
am unable to find a series under that name.  
There are only two episodes I remember more 
detail than others.  One was a special during 
the Christmas holidays on how candy canes 
are made.   

Another I remember teaching colors.  I remember 
yellow specifically.  An egg was cracked open.  
The yolk was identified as "yellow".  And then the
egg was whisked, and milk was added to it for 
"light yellow" 

I think the yolk appears to be more orange than yellow.

I haven't thought about that show for years until 
the last two times I have been beating the eggs
I've made for breakfast.  I watch the yolk mixed 
with the white and add milk and watch as the 
mixture lightens.  

It seems like a weird memory.  But it's the a 
memory that makes me smile when I think about
the early seeds that were planted in Jenna's 
brain development.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Define Your Dash #1

            In September I created this post about "Dashes" and how they're to be defined by each of us as we write our memories that spell out our life.  One of my goals this year was to answer one of the dash questions once a week until I got through all 52 of them.  But there are actually more than 52.  Twelve topics provide twelve questions each here though only 52 are highlighted here.  5 each from 6 topics and 4 each of the remaining 6.  

            Some I have already answered without the intent of answering - they just all happen to be subjects that I've posted about.  So I will "define my dash" with some dash questions and some others that I picked up from journal jars or Relief Society handouts (assigning random numbers to the ones not suggested on Family Search.  Mix them up a little.  No order to what I pick - I suppose most of what I've already posted defines my dash.)  But once a week, I will do it consciously.

            I would also like to add a poem or a thought on a particular word (or words) as I did in these two posts (here and here).  The word goal is for twice a month. Those are the goals I have for my blog posts for this year.  

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Still Drivable - at least for Roland.

        Highway 140 had its challenges and slowdowns, but Roland didn't seem too concerned.  I think he was more annoyed with the snowplow and log truck that slowed us down.  Here are some pictures both Jenna and I had taken on the return home:

Volcanic ash is used to melt the ice rather than salt

our car is dirty from dust and drive

      We're home safe and sound and found our house and belongings in the same condition as when we left.  We are truly blessed!

Christmas Day

        Before we had dropped Jenna off, I mentioned that I had brought her sock and she could take it and open her gifts on Christmas morning, or she could wait for our return and open one gift each 45 minutes or so.  She opted to wait and decided to open a gift each time we stopped the car to get out.
        I woke up early and put on my bathing suit.  I would have liked for Jenna to have one last swim - which she has never done on Christmas, but I really believed she'd enjoy being at her cousins better.  Maybe not.  I think there may have been pros and cons with each.

        As I sat in the spa, not even remotely in the Christmas Spirit of activities one thinks of on Christmas day,  I found myself pondering upon the reason why we have this day - well, not December the 25th, but the reminder of Christ's birth which did not in reality take place in December (see here, here and here).  Though we had announced to the boys that this will be our last road trip to Utah, I realized that my traveling complaints were out of ignorance (and lack of sleep) and there are others who have or have had worse than I.

        I can't even imagine having to return to the land of my forefathers to pay taxes.  How would that even work?  Would Roland and I have to return to New Jersey where he was born?  or to Puerto Rico where his father was born?  How would they even force that kind of census today?  How many days did it take Mary and Joseph to go a shorter distance than what we were able to in just one day?  Weren't the wise men (or kings) traveling for at least two years before they arrived?  The Messiah came to us as a babe.  I enjoyed the tranquility of water and allowing myself to relax and be grateful.

        It was Roland who felt depressed - not his spunky optimistic self.  He hadn't slept well either.  After we had breakfast we went back to the room, he wanted to unwind by watching something on TV.  I decided to get pictures of the hotel - which I didn't think I would do - but found myself smiling as I took snapshots of the elevator which the kids enjoyed riding.  I took photos of the tables where we had played games and enjoyed a meal.  I took pictures of the dining area, the pool, the spa, the mitten that was left on the door of our hotel room.  A gift from the hotel.  I knew Jenna would be impressed.  

        Some may think we were not wise with our money.  I feel bad with the cost as Bill is now out of a job and Tony and his family have to move.  Nobody knows what we paid or if there were discounts involved.  True, our money could have been spent more wisely, but when I think about it, I was able to breathe in the hotel.  I coughed when I swallowed the air outside, but inside I did not have to fight my breathing in addition to sleep.  I did not have to use a humidifier.  I could breathe.  I wouldn't have felt that same sensation around dog hair.  That right there made it worth it.

        We went out to Kayla's to get our Jenna.  They opened the gift which we had brought for them and I opened the gift they had for us.  

The new figures that we gave them, our used ones we had purchased 3 years ago
I need to retake this picture as it reflects the room where it is hung.

Randy dropped by to drop off Bill's laptop and Tony's coat which had both been left at his house.  We took Tony's coat to him and visited for a wee bit before getting back on the road - this time on I-80 and through Nevada as the forecast had said it was dry.  The road itself was.  

We pulled into Winnemucca about 5:30.  It felt later than that.  I told Roland to go ahead and get us a room as we still had 4 hour stretch ahead of us until the next town.  Only two places were open.  I chose the motel off the beaten path. 

       I don't believe Jenna had opened even half of her sock gifts when we arrived at the motel.  I noticed an indoor pool and hot tub displayed on their sign - but it was still closed for the winter.  As I wasn't really expecting to find another lodging that offered the pool or spa, I wasn't totally disappointed.   Jenna was. 
      She decided to dump the contents of her stocking and open all that was left.  The room itself was dated, but it was clean.  How blessed we were that Tony and Rochelle had provided us with crackers and sausages amongst all the cookies and candies we had received.  As nothing else was open, we made a simple dinner for ourselves with the sausage and crackers.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Christmas Eve

        We had breakfast at the hotel.  It was just the three of us as nobody else showed - which is just as well.  Randy had set the dinner for 4:30 but said we could come earlier if we wanted to (hint, hint) but we had made other plans.  Biff was in need of clothes and Roland said he would take him shopping and invited me to come along.  Oh, there is no way in this world that I spent 22 hours in a car crammed into a pretzel position so that I could go shopping!!!  I declined - several times.  I guess Randy gets his persistence from Roland.

        While Roland and Biff were out shopping, I visited with Bill and Kayla.  Jenna was excited to see and spend time with her cousins.  Randy had called to ask what we were doing and if we were on our way.  It wasn't even 3:00!  The truth of the matter was that he really wanted Roland to cook the dinner. 

        Roland had brought back McDonald's for everybody and we went to the lobby to continue our visit and once again grabbed the games.  We had our food table set up with coloring books and crayons and another table for games - which Kayla and I had attempted to play, but as the boys found the elevators too fascinating to resist, Kayla and I finally took BJ upstairs to continue our visit without the interruption of possibly losing the boys on the wrong floor.  I don't know if the others ever completed the game or not.

        We left the hotel in plenty of time to get there according to Randy but did not arrive until after 5:00 as there were barricades set up for construction and only one lane (which was backed up, I might add) before we could even turn into his neighborhood.  We were the first ones to arrive followed by Bill and Kayla, Biff and Clair and Tony and Rochelle in that order. 

        All of the kids enjoyed playing with the dog, Chief, but neither Kayla nor I appreciated his slobbery toy.  Even Anna was holding it like it was a dead mouse, but did enjoy tossing it to Chief.  Each took a turn throwing the disgusting toy - even Liz, the two-year-old.  There was concern when red splotches appeared on her face.  It's possible that she's allergic to dogs.  Chief was banned to the basement.  No more slobbery toy.

        The menu consisted of eggs and French toast. Claire asked to use the toaster as she is allergic to eggs.  Thus Roland decided to pass out our gifts right then and there.  We had made jelly out of the baco grapes we had picked (see this post).  We only filled 8 jars though we had purchased enough jars to fill 24.  But Roland liked the juice too much and so we had stopped making the jellies.    

        Bill introduced the family to an electronic game that some were already familiar with.  It is called "Quiplash" and is done off computer screen and tablets. It felt like a cross between Balderdash and a reverse Family Feud.  Once again I did not play because I do not have a tablet or smart phone because I cannot seem to work them, but it was fun watching the others play.  I think they played two rounds before we stopped to pass out gifts.

        Roland and I decided to first pass out finger glow sticks to each of the children.  Randy led the families in the song "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" - I don't know why it was picked.  Probably the glow sticks reminded somebody of that song. It was the only song we sang before we exchanged and opened gifts. 

        We all left pretty much at the same time.  We dropped Jenna off with Kayla and Bill who did not have room in their car to take her when they left Randy's house.  Jenna was hoping to open something on Christmas morning, and I knew that Bill and Kayla had something for her.  Also I thought she would probably enjoy the magic of watching others open their presents on Christmas day than to wake up in a hotel room without.

December 23

        We arrived in Salt Lake before 10:00 pm mountain time.  I texted my families to let them know we were in town but that we'd be calling it a night and they could come visit the following day.  Three times Randy had asked if we would be going to church with him and Carrie.  Truthfully, I thought that we would still be on the road and so hadn't packed any church clothes. 

        I don't know what time we ate breakfast, but we had enough time to make it to a ward (church) that we had formally attended (had we thought about it). Kayla had also invited us saying her church started at 12:30.  I had never been one that was a big fan of the afternoon time - especially while traveling.  If Kayla's ward had started earlier, I may have gone as I do know other members in her ward.  I think Bill and Kayla were the only family members to attend services that day as at least two of my boys cancelled church or just did not make it in time.

        Two of the boys came to our hotel room before noon.  Roland announced that Tony would not be coming, and we made plans to go and eat.  After we had ordered, Tony called to say that they were on the street near our hotel.  I gave him the IHOP address and we had one version of Christmas dinner there.  Randy, determined that we would come to his house one way or another, invited the entire family to have a "breakfast" dinner at his house the following day (Christmas Eve).  What pleased me the most was the idea of easing the expense of our own wallet).

        It was suggested that after we leave IHOP, we drive back to the hotel and meet in the lobby for some games.  Tony had to work, but said he could join us for about an hour.  As they were the last ones to get their food, they were also the last to leave IHOP.  Meanwhile Randy decided that everybody should go swimming first.  He obviously hadn't considered Tony or his family who didn't have their suits nor the time really. 

        While the rest of the family engaged themselves at the pool, I took the opportunity to visit with Tony and Rochelle.  I rarely ever get to do that without a crowd of others surrounding us.  It was really nice to visit without interruptions or manipulative behavior from other parties.  It was quiet and we were able to listen to one another and learn things that had taken place since last time we saw one another. They left before the others got out of the pool.

        Biff had requested that we bring the game Baulderdash - which we did.  I know a game was started, but neither Claire nor I had participated.  She was not feeling well and had gone to our room to lay down.  I volunteered to watch my three-year-old granddaughters so that the others could play.  We ordered pizza and eventually Biff and Claire left to run errands.  The pizza came before the game was complete and Jenna and I boxed it up before the girls had more opportunity to lose more parts.

        Ally had already broken one of the game pieces.  There were tears in Jenna's eyes as she said, "I guess that saying is right: 'You can never go home again.'"

        Kayla and Bill had another family party to go to on Sunday night but had called to see if we would like to go see lights at Temple Square.  Randy led us all to the TRAX station so that we could take the train - which was very crowded - though not as crowded as Temple Square.  We did not meet up with the family right away.  Once again, it was Randy who led us around like a herd of cattle.  He called the shots, but I didn't follow.  Eventually I did meet up with Bill. It appeared that at least two of the children did not wish to be there.

        I realize that I did not have the greatest attitude.  My pretzelfied body felt ready to snap.  I was sore, achy, cranky.  I tried so hard not to be.  I enjoy seeing the nativity scenes at the plaza but did not feel the physical strength.  

I had taken this one the year before we moved to Oregon

This is on Temple Square, but I did not see it this year

I also had a problem with the tremendous amount of people which somehow made me feel insignificant and lost in the crowd.  We did not visit for long as neither of Kayla's boys seemed particular interested in being there. They were tired.  I was tired.  I'm guessing at least half of us were. Each of us separated ways as we watched Kayla chase after BJ with his second meltdown.  Jenna walked toward City Gate with Randy and Carrie.  Biff, Roland, Claire, Ally and I took the train back and walked to the hotel.  

       Randy, Carrie, Jenna and Devin were already at the hotel when we arrived.  We said our good-byes and Roland invited anyone who wanted to come join us for breakfast. Jenna and I made use of the pool and spa before we went to bed.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Rest Stops

     We had pretty great driving weather.  Jenna and I are used to taking several pictures at many stops, but did not seem to get as many as it was cold.  Here are some that we took in Oregon and Idaho.  Roland was not happy about having to stand in the cold to get the one of Jenna and me.

earlier we had seen a dinosaur with a wreath around his neck

Jenna brought along an extra hat and used both for these photos

Jenna doesn't like herself in this photo, but I couldn't very well cut her out and have it make sense.

Oh, look.  Roland managed to get himself in the shot as well

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Countdown to Christmas

      I believe it was just before Thanksgiving when Roland decided to tell me and the boys that we would come to visit them in Salt Lake this Christmas.  We are still in a financial bind, and Roland had changed his mind before I mailed out the packages and told the boys that we weren’t coming after all.  But something kept nagging at him.  He took out a loan and we were back on.

     Randy, our youngest, had said we could stay with him.  But we didn’t wish to appear we were playing favorites – although it would have been more practical.  He and Carrie recently purchased a house much larger than they need in an area about 45 minutes (without construction) from where we ended up staying.  Instead of visiting each boy individually, we would make them come to us.

     In all honesty, neither Jenna nor I were looking forward to the drive or the changes that we had known occurred during our absence – and those things that had not.  We knew that Randy would continue to try being funny and monopolize everyone’s time.  In all honesty, the thing I was looking forward to the most was seeing my sister and her family.

       As I had mentioned in a previous post, I hadn’t slept well this entire month.  Traveling has always been worse on my sleep patterns.  Thus I wasn’t thinking clearly when I suggested an out-of-the-way route we should go – the one the bus lines use because it seems the safest and I wanted the roads to be clear should there be snow.  With the amount of rainfall we have had all year (or lack of it) I think we would have been okay to take the less traveled roads.  My biggest worry was because of the amount of rain which filled the river beds in two days (instead of gradually during the last four months) and the coldness could create ice.  But whatever.  So we traveled a great distance in one day (Roland really should have stopped in Boise or somewhere before Tremonton;  it is wrong to stay awake for 20 plus hours in a row.)

        Over 2000 years ago, a census was brought forth not just in Rome, but most of Europe.  A census had also been issued in Palestine.  Only it was under Jewish law rather than Roman law.  Families were ordered to return to the lands of their births (or their fathers births) in order to pay taxes.  Joseph and Mary had made the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. 

According to Google or this site, it takes only two and a half hours to travel there by car – today.  Joseph and Mary did not have the luxury of traveling by car.  They had to walk.  On dirt roads.  They didn’t get to wear hiking boots or running shoes.  They wore sandals.

          I really didn’t mean to, but for my lack of sleep, I complained about my twisted pretzel shape position I had felt in the car.  We had stopped for Ben Gay to soothe my aching muscles.  We stopped often to stretch, to eat, to use the toilet or what have you.  Mary and Joseph most likely did not have those luxuries.  We don’t know how many stops they made, where, or at what expense.  Mary and Joseph weren’t traveling to Bethlehem because the wanted to.  They had been ordered to.  The expenses issued were the ones that the government provided.  We chose our own expenses.

          Mary may have not walked the entire way.  It has been speculated that she might have been on a donkey at one point.  Either way, she was pregnant.  Nine months pregnant!  I don’t know about Mary, but when I was pregnant, I had to use the toilet even more than I do right now.  Roland would have had to get a room in Boise or even before that as we would have been making bathroom stops every 20 minutes.  Did Mary even have that luxury?  Plus, we were able to adjust the temperature of the car according to our desires.  I know that Mary and Joseph didn’t have that option.

          There was no room for them at the inn.  According to this site, there really weren’t any inns or motels as we think of today. People would stay with their relatives in a guest room – which, again, we did have the opportunity to do so with Randy and Carrie – but it was another hour drive – through construction.  Our “inn” was crowded that first night but we had made a reservation.  That is another option or luxury we had that Mary and Joseph did not.  Cell phones, reservations . . . we were expected – well, the following day. Our reservations weren’t complete.  

        Roland had added a day just in case we did arrive early, but the information had not been communicated.  They were completely booked except for two rooms.  Our choices were between a smoking room which they said they could febreze or a room with a bathroom designed with a shower for one who might be in a wheelchair; it had no tub. As I am allergic to cigarette smoke and will get headaches even if febreze is used, we choose the one with the handicapped bathroom facility.

          Mary and Joseph had the choice of sleeping outside or inside where animals were kept – probably in some kind of cave.  I imagine a midwife was called.  She is probably the only human who offered services.  We had waiters, maids, running water, access to a small pool and spa.  The only animals we saw were the fake lit up deer Christmas decorations.  We didn’t have to have Jenna sleep in a manger.  We each had our own bed.  It was really nice – though I may not have appreciated it at the time.

          I would like to express my appreciation to all of those who provide service at the rest stops and maintain the properties and such.  Thank you to all those who stayed open on Christmas to either wait on us or provide us with shelter.  Thank you for giving up your Christmas so that I could have mine.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018


This song had been going through my head prior to Christmas.  I don't know why I didn't post it before the 22nd.  Probably not worth the wait of having missed a week but will have to tie my reader's over until I'm alert enough to post.  Rather a boring video, but it's the song lyrics that I want to convey

I realize change is necessary . . . . That doesn't make it any easier . . .

Friday, December 21, 2018

No More Haunting Triggers!

         We have a lovely tree skirt which I had mentioned in this post.  Each year I put it out, I would think about the day I had purchased it.   It was terrible of me to experience such negative emotions each time I looked at this.

It's such a cute skirt.

       I don't recall having those triggers our first year in Oregon.  Somehow I had managed to misplace the above skirt.  I noticed this when we were setting up for our first Christmas in Tri City.  As I couldn't seem to find it I went out and purchased another.

It was not as big nor as beautiful. 

        I have since found the first tree skirt I purchased in 2005 when Jenna was just a baby. I am happy to report that I no longer have those negative triggers.  I can now look at my tree skirt and appreciate its beauty.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Profound Quotes - Once Upon a Time

These are some of my favorite quotes from the abc series: Once Upon a Time

Fairytales are real, but you don't know the whole story. . . a hero is someone who can do the hard things even when they thought they couldn't
"You want to ruin me the way the world ruined you.  You choose hate.  But I choose love." -        Alice as Tilly

"Love is Hope, it fuels our dreams"  - Belle

"No one decides my fate but me" - Belle

"It's time for all of us to believe - not in magic, but each other" - Emma Swan
"I've been writing everone else's stories.  I need to figure out what my story is." - Henry Mills

"Home isn't a place.  It's the people in it.  And they'll always be with" - Henry Mills

" Everyone wants magical solution for their problems and everyone refuses to believe in magic" - Mad Hatter

"I would rather die than to have you fill your heart with darkness" - David/Prince Charming

"You defended me in a way that no one thought was possible, you made me your friend by never giving up on me." - Regina Mills

"That's what true love is, sacrifice, giving up everything for the person you love . . . not having someone is the worse curse imaginable" - Regina Mills

" . . . the darkness can always find the light" - Regina Mills

". . . you can't steal something that is given to you . . . a gift is a piece of our heart "  - Regina Mills

"Your happy endings may not be what you expect.  That is what will make it so special" - Snow White

"Second chances are not given.  They're earned" - Victoria (alias Rapunzel and Lady Tremaine)

Like so many villainous songs our best lines go to the Villain who appeared he'd stay that way:

"So long as you live in the past, you'll never find your future" - Rumplestiltskin

"Maybe you should take a piece of advice from a man who has pushed away every chance of happiness because it was never enough.  If it's within your grasp, if you know where it is and who it's with, then you should go to is, grasp it, and never let go." - Rumplestiltskin as Gold

"Magic comes with a price" -Rumplestiltskin as Gold

"You don't do the right thing for a reward - you do it because it's right" - Rumplestiltskin as Weaver

For more Once Upon a Time quotes see here or here or type in "Once Upon a Time" quotes at or IMDB