Friday, May 29, 2020

A Chocolate Birthday

         Tossing and turning because I was hot.  It isn’t right for the weather to be so warm on my birthday – especially when you consider the start of the month was always overcast – sometimes raining. 

            The wind has been blowing – even though it’s been warm.  The winds have been cool – but not cool enough to keep us from turning on the A/C.

            I finally left the room at 3:45.  Jenna said “Happy Birthday, mommy!”  quite loudly. 

I’d forgotten it was my birthday – even though I had been reminded of it last night when I called the RS pres. 

My stomach was growling.  I had a glazed doughnut as Roland had brought them home and we have to eat them before they go stale – right?

Jenna bopped into the living room about 15 minutes later bearing gifts wrapped in Christmas paper.  I was not allowed to open any of them until Roland joined us – which wasn’t until four hours later. Meanwhile she played an array of music beginning with “Celebration” by Kool and the Gang.  Jenna never seems to love her own birthday as her enthusiasm increases for others’ birthdays.  She seemed particularly excited for my birthday yesterday.

Before I opened the gifts, Roland, Jenna and Alexa sang “Happy Birthday” to me. We didn’t take any pictures of me opening the gifts.  The first one Jenna handed me was a bag (which was a birthday bag) that contained two puzzles – one which I was certain I could finish in just one day and another hard looking one that I’m not as anxious to start to be honest. 

We still have another puzzle that is too long for our table.  I would like to put that one together. 

After I opened the puzzles, Jenna handed me a large box which contained wireless keyboard and mouse.  I now have three keyboards, though the oldest I will be throwing away as it is temperamental about if it wants to work or not depending on what position I have it in.  I cannot deal with it and have been using a smaller keyboard that I kept around for the laptop (as I prefer a raised keyboard to the built-in flat that frustrates me whenever I accidentally touch something that wipes out my screen) though number 7 has been sticking for quite some time and now the letter C seems to be having a mild attitude also. 

the paper she had used for the keyboard didn't quite make it
all around the box, so she taped this piece onto it to patch it up

The last gift was a game Jenna had picked out – one that we decided to play right away.  

 Of course she skunked me.

 I signed in to facebook to comment on a message my brother had left me.  While there I also said a thank you to those who had sent birthday greetings.  

I heard Jenna unloading the dishwasher, singing, and baking a cake.  Well, I didn’t actually hear her making it.  I heard her set the timer for it.  And then she started a conversation with Alexa and eventually triggered the 'echo' in my room to join in.  Thus I returned to the kitchen.

I don’t know if Melanie stopped by before or after the cake.  She brought me some flowers and four candy bars with the message:

You bring a mountain of joy wherever you go.  I really scored 100 grand when I got you as a RS counselor.

Randy, my youngest son, had called to wish me happy birthday and after I hung up with him, Roland said I had to come and get some cake.  They put three candles on the cake and sang “Happy Birthday” for a second time (but without Alexa) and we had cake at 9:00 a.m.

German chocolate cake with German chocolate frosting

But do not fret thinking I ate so poorly on my birthday.  Before we ended the “Meme” game, Jenna and I both had bowls of Cheerios and after cake we had scrambled eggs and sausage links.

 Jenna and I put the Mickey Mouse puzzle together in just a couple of hours.  It was a challenge using three different size puzzle pieces.  Though Minnie, Mickey and Donald seemed to work up rather quickly, Goofy and Pluto did not. (What am I talking about?  Jenna really did the majority of the puzzle)

My eldest son, Biff called to wish me happy birthday while we were putting the puzzle together.  Meanwhile I really enjoyed Jenna's enthusiasm as we listened to music and swayed and danced to a wide assortment of songs.

After Roland got off work we went to the big city of Roseburg where the majority of personal were wearing masks but the majority of clients were not.  No such thing (or room) for social distancing at some places.  Though some businesses have started to open in phase one most summer activities have been cancelled. No summer fairs, outdoor movies (which I would think would be safer than the indoor cinema if that should open) and music in the park. 

We stopped off at Arby's on the way home.  After we returned we played another game of "What Do You Meme" this time with Roland.  My other son, Tony, was the last of my boys to call with his birthday wish.

What an odd year.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Mask Wars


           Cory mentions the facebook post of a friend who addressed concerns about “shaming people” into not agreeing with individual choices.  Some people are designed to be social even though others may feel comfortable with staying at home.  Some people feel the need to open non-essential employment in oeder to make a living.  At the same time there are many employed front-line workers who would gladly trade places with the unemployed in order to get a break.  There are valid reasons that others have for social distancing or choosing not to.  There are valid reasons for choosing to stay at home.  There are those who believe wearing a mask is connected with saving lives. Mask wearers may feel annoyed with ones who don’t.  And yet not all of these non-mask wearers are selfish, self-centered or ignorant.  Many of them view the mask wearers as the ones who are ignorant and self-absorbed. 

          Another post gave an example of ignorance with safety issues expressing the inhumanity of others who are so busy with their masks and social distancing that they overlook others who may needs assistance – such as elderly people at a supermarket who may not be steady on their feet, lose their balance and fall.  Does anybody rescue the one who falls?  Is the rescuer wearing a mask or not?  It doesn’t seem possible to help an individual to his/her feet while maintaining social distancing.  When we attempt to follow the law to the letter, we often forget about our fellow beings.  Aren’t they more important?  We can’t just blindly wear our mask and look away.  What would Jesus do?  I think he’d wear a mask, but he would also come to the rescue of whoever needs it – social distancing or not.

           A quote from her post says: “You cannot continue to harden your heart to the peple around you, just so you feel a little safer today.  Because that safety is a fallacy.”

 She closed her post with quotes from scriptures as a simple reminder of where our priorities should be.

        I love this quote from one of my brother’s posts:  “Compassion is a key, not just for the people we are trying to protect and save from the virus, but also for the ones we don’t understand and who may require saving from other insidious difficulties. . . . when I make assumptions or judgments about [other people] perhaps it is me who is being unkind and self-centered.”

from spirit science quotes

Monday, May 25, 2020

Little Reminders

My mom grew up in San Francisco. During World War II citizens were asked to contribute to the war efforts in various ways.  For small children it was saving foils or rather separating the foil from the wax part of the gum wrapper.  That’s what my mom remembered.  She said she got really good at it and was quite proud of her accomplishment.  Every time I see split wrappers, I think of her.  She has made her presence known to me through these small reminders. 

Here is an interesting read that comes from Tennesse.

Typewriters to Word Processors and Printers

 I can’t find a picture of the Brother Word Processor I had purchased back in the day.  I don’t even remember what year it was.  This photo is the closest to what I remember – though I could be way off base.  I just remember a huge monitor and connecting keyboard.  It came with a black screen but instead of green words (the illustration looks it has blue lettering) my screen was orange words on black background.  I preferred the orange to the green.  I don’t know why.  I think it may have been easier on the eyes.

 Computers were around at the time.  They also came with huge monitors.  I remember the salesman telling me why they were so much better.  For one thing, you could do so much more – play games for instance.  I wanted a word processor so that I could begin my autobiography (if you can believe that).  I loved writing.  I believed it would help me organize my thoughts.  I didn’t care about games or extra features.  I didn’t realize I was about to embark on a technological journey of outdated products and my word processor and the floppy discs would soon become relics and become as meaningful as the electric typewriter of the past.

 Oh, I had purchased one of those several years before.  And when it broke I took it to a typewriter doctor at Cottonwood Mall.  I believe the name of the outfitter was called Perry’s.  They’d given me a typewriter on loan while they were repairing mine.  It had some really cool features that mine did not.  Can you imagine a time when technology was repaired and consolations were made during the waiting process?  Does that customer service exist today? 

 I also had a printer that produced words in dotted form similar to what is created for kindergartners learning to trace letters.  The paper (evidently named continuous stationary) came in a box which was placed under my desk and fed through the printer.  What a joyous experience that was.


How thrilling it was when we were able to replace it with something that took normal paper.  I don’t know how many printers and scanners I have gone through in the last 35 years or so.  Relics.  All of them. Even the two that I currently use.  Or attempt to use anyway.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Safety First

         I woke up this morning as I was reminded of this commercial.  How odd to pull it out of my memory.  I wonder how many people felt (or still feel) it unfair to have this safety guidance put into place. As far as I can remember back, I had always worn a seat belt.  My parents made me!  Were they being controlling? I didn't think of such things in a legal way.  I was too young to understand the litigation involved with creating and passing laws.

I remember when I was a child growing up in the 60s and a time when my parents were looking at used cars.  Some had seat belts.  It wasn’t a required feature at the time, though the newer models did offer lap belts.  I don’t know when the strap part was finally introduced.  I remember seeing this commercial promoting the safety for wearing belts.  According to this site, by 2018 all but one state had made using a seat belt (now called safety belt) had made wearing the devise a mandatory part of driving.  This site shows which states have authorization to pull one over for not having a seat belt.   There are 15 states in which a citation for no seat belt may be issued when the driver has been pulled over for another misdemeanor.

Just a reminder, I had posted a survival story about the seat belt and car seat here.


Thursday, May 21, 2020

How Amazing It is When You Put Others First

I’ve been watching the Daily Social Distancing Show because Trevor Noah makes the news entertaining because the news by itself really isn’t.  After watching this segment, I am shaking my head.  Does the guy who filmed the Costco employee truly believe that the sun rises and sets just for him?  Does think he is immune to driving 100 mph on the wrong side of the road?  Does he think not taking  others into consideration is okay?  Because, heaven forbid, someone site him or jail him for reckless driving, does that mean he they have taken away his freedom?  No.  He is still free to make dumb choices.  But he can’t expect the consequences to work in his favor.  


If I go somewhere in which a policy is enforced, I can choose to abide by what is expected of me or I can choose to avoid said place because I don’t wish to abide by their policy.  In this case Costco has required each of their customers to wear masks and distant themselves.  It’s a precaution.  If this fellow doesn’t wish to wear a mask that is his free right, but he will have to shop somewhere else.  It’s not as though Costco is in business solely to cater to him or his kind.  Just don’t shop at Costco if you’re not willing to wear a mask.  Not that hard.

I also wonder if this Costco employee now has to worry as to whether his life may be in jeopardy or not.  Not from the coronavirus, mind you, but from the wacked customer who has the freedom to bear arms.  After all, he would be able to use his free agency to harm the employee.  Am I right?  He could shoot him dead.  But then what, I ask, are the freedoms of those who get shot by those who are “free” to bear arms. 

I am reminded of the many times that Mormons (or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) have been accused of giving up their freedoms as the commandments seem so restricting. We are free when we keep the commandments.  Let me use the Word of Wisdom (here) as an example as it seems to be a great concern for those outside of the faith.  

 Though the revelation was given in 1832 long before scientists also agreed (but hey, who in the USA can even trust scientists anymore – after all Trump doesn’t seem to.  Thank God there are people who realize not all Americans think like Trump does) basically a health code of dos and don’ts that help us keep our bodies and minds in good condition.  Because we chose to follow the commandment we are free.  We are not slave to addictions as some people have.

Same with the laws of the land.  Okay, perhaps there are some laws that seem insane, but for the most part they are there for the protection of the people.  Rules at school don’t just apply to academic learning but also to the environment to keep children safe and give them a sense of respect. 


 All of us need respect regardless of our position.  I am grateful to those who pick up my garbage each week so that I no longer have to deal with it.  I am grateful to those who volunteer their time and their services to so many individuals who are not in good health or unable to do for themselves.  I am grateful to farmers who grow food and for truck drivers who deliver their goods.  I am grateful to educational instructors who seem to be putting in a lot more hours than they did when the schools were open.  Nobody on this planet is getting paid what he or she is worth.

 Some people complain that politicians are overpaid. Are you kidding me?  It does not seem to matter what decision is made lately, not everybody will be in favor.  How well do these leaders sleep at night if at all.  This nightmare is happening to ALL of us.  Not just the so-called “sheep”.  Not just the ignorant.  Not just the entertainers.  Not just the unemployed.  Those that are employed are fighting a virus far worse than COVID.  It’s called ignorance.  It’s called lack of gratitude.  It’s called poor human behavior.  Talk about being childish.  Geesh!  Did that many people not learn even one thing from history?

 In this same segment, Trevor Noah goes on to interview Jose Antonio Vargas – an “undocumented” immigrant.  These are real people who, believe it or not, help to keep the economics of this county running. Respect.  Reaching out to or showing one kindness should take less effort than wearing a mask.  So let us band  together and uplift one another instead of pointing fingers or getting upset or consumed with hate.  It’s not healthy!


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Spoiled Americans

Government leaders don’t agree

Some have tried to keep us safe by

asking us to stay at home.  Though

boring at times, it’s not that hard

Just Stay at Home!


Within six weeks law suits have

been filed against various leaders

for various reasons

“You took away our freedoms by

Not allowing us to meet in Church

Taking away our business

Releasing or not releasing prisoners

Making us wear masks . . . “

Idiots!  We’re in a pandemic similar to

the one in 1918.

What did we learn?  What did you learn?


Nasty words floating around social media

Two groups, one for staying home

staying safe

Another to open up.  Open all now. 

Without social distancing and

without masks and the government

gives in to their demands?

I've heard this compared to 

having a peeing section in a public

swimming pool.  Like those who choose  

to play it safe won't be affected by 

the stupid choices of others?

Just Stay at Home!


Americans definitely have a sense

of humor but not all share

in the outcome of political field.

Take our president of the

United States for example. 

Watch the Daily Social

Distancing Show with Trevor Noah

to see the humor and stupidity.

We seem to be a divided.

“The death tolls are wrong. 

There is no Covid.

There never was a Holocaust

or Titanic.  It’s all lies.  Eveything

is a lie”  Well, your references

certainly are

Just Stay at Home!


Joh currently has five

family members who have

the disease. 

Some fighting in the hospital. 

Some fighting at home.

They were careful but had

apparently come in contact

with those that were not.   

There are a lot of rebels and

idiots out there.  But I truly do

believe the greater amount

of people are being

cautious and staying at home.


The court houses were

closed for almost two months

and all cases were put on hold. 

I don’t imagine there will be

a rush on those lawsuits

brought up currently. 

I think by the time they do go

to trial, a good number of

those filing or hopping on the

band wagon will be deceased

or experience the sickness themselves. 

Just Stay at Home!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Don't Ever Buy a Doro 7050

            Who can keep up with modern technology?  You purchase any electronic item at the store and it is outdated before you even get it home – possibly before it even hits the showroom floor.  What’s up with that? 

             Once upon a time things were built to last.  Television repariman took pride in their work.  

 Vintage Magazine Book Be Your Own TELEVISION REPAIRMAN 1953 Greenberg Publisher

HD replaced anything from the 2oth century and Smart TV has outdated screens after that.  Less than 6 years ago Roland purchased a BlueRay DVD player with feature to add Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.  What a relic!  It no longer supports Hulu so if we should want to order Hulu for the TV, we have to purchase newer items which will become relics in less than four years and have to be replaced again!

             We are a throw-away society, inventive, updating that somehow believe in replacing the old SOONER than we can afford to.  Let’s all run out and get the latest because Everybody can afford it, right? Especially now that the economy has been shut down for over a month.  Hey, why not?

             My biggest complaint is the cell phone.  I had an LG that I loved.  Towers don’t support it.  I have to buy a new phone.  I purchased a Doro back in 2014.  It was a good little phone!  The company informed me that as of this year it would be a relic.  I guess I was having some issues with the last row of buttons not recognizing my fingers though not as frustrating as a smart phone or I phone or touch screen or whatever it is called.  Roland has one and I hate it.  He’s had three different models since we have been in Oregon – which hasn’t even been a full five years.

             So I guess it was the end of September that I was having issues.  I called Consumer Cellular – who I like as far as billing service goes, but except for the 2014 model of DORO (or whatever year it was) I haven’t been impressed with the phones themselves.  Before the Doro I had tried one called the Envoy.  Poor sound quality if I remember correctly, but I really didn’t have problems with my Doro until about September of 2019 – and then they were only minor compared to what was ahead.

             So the next phone I tried was called a Link – brand new.  Company had them on promotion as it was a brand new item and cheap.  I guess cheaply made as well as inexpensive.  I thought “You guys are crazy trying to get senior citizens to try and use this when I know that some of them have worse hearing than I do.”

             Not only couldn’t I hear the person on the other end.  They couldn’t hear me.  I wonder if that’s the kind of phone Biff has.  He always sounds like he’s calling from a different area than where his phone is.  I called Consumer Cellular to make inquiries about the phone, but since it was such a brand new product they didn’t have all the answers.  Switch me back to Doro.

             So at the end of October I receive a Doro 7050.  I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PHONE.  During the time of pandemic is probably not the best time to call either because I am certain there are people who have taken jobs out of desperation and haven’t been trained.  I am so frustrated . . . but let me back up.  So one of the features that I really liked about my original Doro was 1) I could press the back button to turn on the clock without having to open the phone.  2) I could set an alarm that would go off weather the phone was turned on or off (never had that featured before or since;  I still use the old phone to set alarms) 3) I could see who was calling before opening my phone.

            The button on my new Doro 7050 – pretty worthless.  Never did anything when I pushed it.  What was the point?  By December the front of my screen appeared to be shattered to be shattered – though it wasn’t from the outside – the image was.  I didn’t know who was calling unless I answered the phone. But I dealt with that before back in the day of rotaries and calling the next county over was long distance.  It wasn’t that inconvenient. 



            I started a diary of every problem I had.  I’d call to explain the new problem and was told to take my battery out and put it back in.  Really.  They want me to open my cell phone and remove the battery every time it acts up?  This is not an easy backing to take off – though it seems to be getting easier as I have been removing it each time there is a problem.  What’s up with that? 

             When I couldn’t call on my phone, I used my husband’s which is under a different carrier. I am put through to another department for add on – uh, no. We tried adding him back but they messed up on the date and I’m not trying to activate his phone.  I’m trying to find a way in which I can use my own.

             Though texting has never been a great importance, it is convenient to have – more for receiving and not texting as the flip does not offer a full keyboard.  In all honesty I would just assume use email or facebook to send a message.  Besides, texting really takes a toll on the battery. 

             Anyway, the problems keep changing.  The last call was about my keys that don’t work.  This time I was told to reset everything – thus I lost all information that had been in the phone and now I can’t receive text messages.  I have family who send messages to multi-phones as the Coronavirus infects members of Joh’s family.  It would be nice to read the update on my own phone.  The more I try to use it, the more frustrated I am.

             My phone is under warranty and I asked to replace it.  I was given another number to call and a warranty number.  It didn’t work and I had a chat with another worker who was helpful until she told me to CALL CC – I had been chatting to avoid that.  I asked if we were being recorded and hoped that our conversation was being recorded.  And then I told her “Don’t just give me this number and the warranty because it doesn’t work” and guess what she did?  I told her I probably won’t be dealing with CC anymore and hung up the phone. 


            Earlier this evening Roland ordered me an Easyfone Prime A1 3G.  I won’t be receiving it until early June.  It’s got to be better than Doro.  My recommendation: DON’T EVER PURCHASE A DORO 7050!