Safety First

         I woke up this morning as I was reminded of this commercial.  How odd to pull it out of my memory.  I wonder how many people felt (or still feel) it unfair to have this safety guidance put into place. As far as I can remember back, I had always worn a seat belt.  My parents made me!  Were they being controlling? I didn't think of such things in a legal way.  I was too young to understand the litigation involved with creating and passing laws.

I remember when I was a child growing up in the 60s and a time when my parents were looking at used cars.  Some had seat belts.  It wasn’t a required feature at the time, though the newer models did offer lap belts.  I don’t know when the strap part was finally introduced.  I remember seeing this commercial promoting the safety for wearing belts.  According to this site, by 2018 all but one state had made using a seat belt (now called safety belt) had made wearing the devise a mandatory part of driving.  This site shows which states have authorization to pull one over for not having a seat belt.   There are 15 states in which a citation for no seat belt may be issued when the driver has been pulled over for another misdemeanor.

Just a reminder, I had posted a survival story about the seat belt and car seat here.



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