Mask Wars


           Cory mentions the facebook post of a friend who addressed concerns about “shaming people” into not agreeing with individual choices.  Some people are designed to be social even though others may feel comfortable with staying at home.  Some people feel the need to open non-essential employment in oeder to make a living.  At the same time there are many employed front-line workers who would gladly trade places with the unemployed in order to get a break.  There are valid reasons that others have for social distancing or choosing not to.  There are valid reasons for choosing to stay at home.  There are those who believe wearing a mask is connected with saving lives. Mask wearers may feel annoyed with ones who don’t.  And yet not all of these non-mask wearers are selfish, self-centered or ignorant.  Many of them view the mask wearers as the ones who are ignorant and self-absorbed. 

          Another post gave an example of ignorance with safety issues expressing the inhumanity of others who are so busy with their masks and social distancing that they overlook others who may needs assistance – such as elderly people at a supermarket who may not be steady on their feet, lose their balance and fall.  Does anybody rescue the one who falls?  Is the rescuer wearing a mask or not?  It doesn’t seem possible to help an individual to his/her feet while maintaining social distancing.  When we attempt to follow the law to the letter, we often forget about our fellow beings.  Aren’t they more important?  We can’t just blindly wear our mask and look away.  What would Jesus do?  I think he’d wear a mask, but he would also come to the rescue of whoever needs it – social distancing or not.

           A quote from her post says: “You cannot continue to harden your heart to the peple around you, just so you feel a little safer today.  Because that safety is a fallacy.”

 She closed her post with quotes from scriptures as a simple reminder of where our priorities should be.

        I love this quote from one of my brother’s posts:  “Compassion is a key, not just for the people we are trying to protect and save from the virus, but also for the ones we don’t understand and who may require saving from other insidious difficulties. . . . when I make assumptions or judgments about [other people] perhaps it is me who is being unkind and self-centered.”

from spirit science quotes


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