Spoiled Americans

Government leaders don’t agree

Some have tried to keep us safe by

asking us to stay at home.  Though

boring at times, it’s not that hard

Just Stay at Home!


Within six weeks law suits have

been filed against various leaders

for various reasons

“You took away our freedoms by

Not allowing us to meet in Church

Taking away our business

Releasing or not releasing prisoners

Making us wear masks . . . “

Idiots!  We’re in a pandemic similar to

the one in 1918.

What did we learn?  What did you learn?


Nasty words floating around social media

Two groups, one for staying home

staying safe

Another to open up.  Open all now. 

Without social distancing and

without masks and the government

gives in to their demands?

I've heard this compared to 

having a peeing section in a public

swimming pool.  Like those who choose  

to play it safe won't be affected by 

the stupid choices of others?

Just Stay at Home!


Americans definitely have a sense

of humor but not all share

in the outcome of political field.

Take our president of the

United States for example. 

Watch the Daily Social

Distancing Show with Trevor Noah

to see the humor and stupidity.

We seem to be a divided.

“The death tolls are wrong. 

There is no Covid.

There never was a Holocaust

or Titanic.  It’s all lies.  Eveything

is a lie”  Well, your references

certainly are

Just Stay at Home!


Joh currently has five

family members who have

the disease. 

Some fighting in the hospital. 

Some fighting at home.

They were careful but had

apparently come in contact

with those that were not.   

There are a lot of rebels and

idiots out there.  But I truly do

believe the greater amount

of people are being

cautious and staying at home.


The court houses were

closed for almost two months

and all cases were put on hold. 

I don’t imagine there will be

a rush on those lawsuits

brought up currently. 

I think by the time they do go

to trial, a good number of

those filing or hopping on the

band wagon will be deceased

or experience the sickness themselves. 

Just Stay at Home!



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