How Amazing It is When You Put Others First
I’ve been watching the Daily Social
Distancing Show because Trevor Noah makes the news entertaining because the news by itself really
isn’t. After watching this segment, I am
shaking my head. Does the guy who filmed
the Costco employee truly believe that the sun rises and sets just for him? Does think he is immune to driving 100 mph on
the wrong side of the road? Does he think not taking others into consideration is okay?
Because, heaven forbid, someone site him or jail him for reckless driving,
does that mean he they have taken away his freedom? No. He
is still free to make dumb choices. But
he can’t expect the consequences to work in his favor.
If I go somewhere in which a policy is enforced, I can choose to abide by what is expected of me or I can choose to avoid said place because I don’t wish to abide by their policy. In this case Costco has required each of their customers to wear masks and distant themselves. It’s a precaution. If this fellow doesn’t wish to wear a mask that is his free right, but he will have to shop somewhere else. It’s not as though Costco is in business solely to cater to him or his kind. Just don’t shop at Costco if you’re not willing to wear a mask. Not that hard.
I also wonder if this Costco employee now has to worry as to whether his life may be in jeopardy or not. Not from the coronavirus, mind you, but from the wacked customer who has the freedom to bear arms. After all, he would be able to use his free agency to harm the employee. Am I right? He could shoot him dead. But then what, I ask, are the freedoms of those who get shot by those who are “free” to bear arms.
I am reminded of the many times that
Mormons (or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) have
been accused of giving up their freedoms as the commandments seem so
restricting. We are free when we keep the commandments. Let me use the Word of Wisdom (here) as an example
as it seems to be a great concern for those outside of the faith.
Same with the laws of the land. Okay, perhaps there are some laws that seem insane, but for the most part they are there for the protection of the people. Rules at school don’t just apply to academic learning but also to the environment to keep children safe and give them a sense of respect.
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