Feeling Blessed

                On April 20 I received an email for a work assignment for the 13 – 28.  I was scheduled to work at Coffenberry for the rest of the year.  I posted this assignment on facebook and proposed two questions:  If they wanted me on the 13th, why did they wait until the 20 to tell me?  The schools are closed, but do you think if I show up that I will get paid? 

            Roland had suggested that I qualify for unemployment, but he was still working and I didn't want to take away from somebody else who needed more than we.  As it turned out I didn't even qualify as I hadn't put in enough hours or made enough.  And that was okay.

            I haven’t been to any of the schools since March 13.  The school district has payments available on the 10th but today I received a notification about the automatic deposit into my account.  I WAS paid.  Early at that.  Today is only the 8th.  Roland says that the school systems may be allotted so much money per year and are faced with a "use it or lose it" decision at the end.  I hope that they were able to pay the instructors at least three times the amount of their normal paycheck as they have worked harder during the pandemic than in the public classrooms.  It seems unfair as I haven't contributed to the online education in anyway. I haven't even volunteered at the library.  I understand books can be reserved online for drive-by pick up now.

            Currently there are people who are afraid to work, jobs made available to those who quit, businesses reopening too soon (in my opinion anyway) and people struggling.  I thank Heavenly Father for all the unexpected blessings that have come my way during this pandemic. 


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